Yours truly. 17. Female. Malaysian. Petite. 27th MAY. Single. Maybe available *hinthint*
NEWS is her only drug. Absolutely, magically in love with BEAST. Hey! Say! JUMP. SHINee. Super Junior. In that order.
Assuntarian. A Harry Potter Twitter Role-Player. Compulsive writer. Lusting for a glance in her direction.
Sings like the world is deaf. As genuine as you can get. A self-proclaimed narcissist. Enjoys not having the other half
Love me? Hate me? I'll still be me. Enjoy. Lyn|Avery
Books Pave the Way to Destruction Yet to A Beauty Beyond Imaginations
286 posts from 5 June 2011
Escaping the conforms of society
To stupefy the endless expanse of the universe
Advancing into a world unknown
Please don't RIP Ask permission.
Discover where else she speaks her mind
Twitter: @theivorykeys
Facebook: Shern Lyn Khuan
Email: Contact either TorFB for details. (;
• To be any JE member's adopted sister
• My first book published
• To meet NewS
• To meet Hey!Say!JUMP
• To meet Super Junior
• To meet SHINee
• To get signed to SM Entertainment
• A degree in English
• Black skinnies (:
• White skinnies (:
• A pet. Definetely
• Japanese boy uniform
• To perform a JE song medley
• To perform in Tokyo Dome and get signed to JE
• Another trip to Japan
• Permanent Japanese residence
• A yukata
• A red and black checkered scarf
• To cosplay
• My first perfect Japanese bento lunch
• A Japanese dictionary
• Understand and speak fluent Japanese
• Understand and speak fluent Korean
• National status as a writer
• A laptop or something similar
Will be updated when fancy strikes
MY BRATs TEAM. Alor Star 2011
NewS (Lots of love).
Hey! Say! JUMP.
Masuda Takahisa.
Kato Shigeaki.
Yamashita Tomohisa
Super Junior.
Nakajima Yuuto.
Window shopping.
Tegoshi Yuya.
Twilight and Dusk.
Kim Jong-Woon
Koyama Keiichiro.
Winter jackets.
Nishikido Ryo.
Unofficial HSJ Malaysia LJ
amandang/doldol |
amylim |
annatan |
ashleykhor |
ben-jielim |
chuachiyan |
cynthiaong |
dariusbehyunji<3 |
eelainetan |
eeleng |
euniceho |
huichee |
honpaige |
horsegirl15 |
jadeyeap<3 |
kin-chan<3 |
lydiaong |
marcusheng |
miki-chan<3 |
nicolefong |
nicolemarcus |
previta |
A few words would be nice. :D
By post:
feeling helpless
being strong
Hatred Is Not Only A Feeling
To Shed Or Not To Shed
Can It Be Called Love?
When You Fall, Fall With Grace
Is It Called Self Abuse?
The Words of a Man in Love
Of Headaches and Departures
By month:
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
October 2011
waving a white flag; mosquitoes and tanabata
Friday, July 31, 2009 @ 1:07 AM
waving a white flag; mosquitoes and tanabata
Contents: Understandable Non-understandable
ooooooh! I so want to blog but I've got nothing to blog about. I want to suspend but people are asking me not to. Decisions. Decisions. I might wave a white flag and give in to not suspending but on the other hand, I'm sick of staring at the lifeless blog of mine and the ever dead tagboard. And also, I have yet to finish my studies for the PMR Examinations. I have less than a month to finish studying for trials and I'm only halfway through the Form 2 History textbook. And that's the only thing I've studied. Nothing else. I might be able to make it for the real examination but not the trials. And I do want to score on my trials and secure my 7As... Tons of benefits come along with this year's magical number of 7. And they say 9 is THE magical number. ==' But darn it! I can't go to Singapore but neither can I return to Japan. One is because I've been before and it's too expensive and the other is because well, my parents don't want me going on my own without them. Part of why I would like to return is to buy JE items. Especially NewS' Color album...Sigh. It's extremely expensive to buy it online.
Spurred by Tegomass' Tanabata Matsuri, I think I'm going to celebrate Tanabata Matsuri on my own. Get coloured paper, write out my wish and then hang it on my window. I can't get bamboo though. Where the hell do you expect me to get bamboo? Anyone else wish to celebrate it, you can simply do this by getting coloured paper Cut it into a rectangular strip and write your wish on it. Punch a hole through the top and then string it up. Ta-da! It's on the twenty-sixth of August this year. Next month. I already know what I'm going to wish for this year. I think you can make as many wishes as you want. I doubt any of them would come true just by hanging up these wishes. You'd have to work for it. So, this is just part of tradition and for fun.
I've been meaning to buy either Nakayama Yuma w/ B.I. Shadow/NYC - Akuma na Koi/NYC or Tegomass - Tanabata Matsuri online but I doubt my mommy would pay for it. I've got about RM40 in my JE fund and both singles cost about RM40 something. Much cheaper than ordering it from a local CD store and then they cost you a bomb for it. Like my NewS - Summertime single which cost me RM70... I don't really know if I should get it. My mom absolutely refuses to use her credit card to buy me stuff off the Internet eventhough I'm going to pay her back. And, I've been dying for a yukata. I can pay for them on my own but sadly, they don't accept Cash on Delivery. They only accept bank cheques. CIMB Bank. How do you expect me to bank in cheques at 15? Would anyone want to bank in and pay for me? I'd pay you back. Whatever! I'd probably just have to wait till I've got a bank account. Which will be such a long way ahead. I want a yukata now! To cosplay in. A white one. With pink flowers. Anyone willing to sell or can locate one for me? I'd pay you back in full but please don't cheat me.
That's it for the moment. Till I receive more inspiration. Muchappreciationandlove, Lynxoxo
~Watching Tegomass behind the scenes filming Tanabata Matsuri. Watching my baby get attacked by mosquitoes~
just a few words
Thursday, July 30, 2009 @ 5:12 AM
I'm not going to drag long. I'm hereby suspending this blog till after PMR as I have no inspiration nor the drive to write. I might even suspend it longer. I'm removing the tagboard too since it's no longer alive. And is on the verge of meeting the Creater... Might divert my blog to somewhere else too. In probably this week or the next. Take notice. Feel free to remove my link from your lists if you feel that I'm no longer worthy of being there. No one reads my blog anyways. Since there isn't any sensible material in it.
not as expected; yet extremely satisfying
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 @ 5:18 AM
not as expected; yet extremely satisfying
Running her hands through the platinum blonde hair of a sophisticated brat
Beginning the post with a quiz result from a quiz taken on the Facebook site: "Let's forget the stereotype of Slytherins being "evil" and "power-hungry" for one second and talk about who you really are. You are the type of person who can't be held back. If you set your mind to something, you will without a doubt achieve your goals. You know that you are a very capable person and will strive to attain success and realise your potential in every way possible. People may see you as harsh, ruthless or egocentric but that's not always the case. You act in your own best interest but that could be helping your cousin with some money because that makes you feel good. You have the potential to do great things, you just need to decide what it is that you'd like to do and set your sights on it."
Yes, I am a Slytherin and a proud one at that. Proven by the 'A More Accurate Harry Potter Sorting Quiz'.
Reason for the above quiz result:
I recently journeyed to the cold grasps of the Sunway Pyramid cinema to indulge in the long awaited Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

Warning: Proceed with extreme caution as the following consists of spoilers.
Disclaimer: This is my own review and does not in anyway endorse the movie nor am I a professional reviewer. This is just my point of view.
Overall, the movie was pretty satisfying. Not satisfying with the storyline itself but because it is the first movie that I've watched to actually stay true to the book's contents.
Half the time, movies stray extremely far from the original contents of the book and causes me to be extremely mad. (Note: Take Twilight for example)
The movie started off with Harry and Dumbledore in the Ministry of Magic where we'd left them in the last movie facing reporters. That's before the ever anticipated movie title appears.
After that, London's dark and dreary streets, originally, the dark and gloomy atmosphere was created by the presence of the Dementors, but that wasn't mentioned in the movie and instead proceeded to show the Death Eaters wrecking distruction on the streets of London.
In the book, it started off with the Ministry of Magic visiting the Prime Minister of London. My memory's pretty foggy since I went on a Sunday and didn't blog until today. Then, off we go to some random train station where Harry's at this cafe at the train station. The 'cute' waitress asks about something in the 'The Prophet' that Harry was reading. And as she leaves, Harry requests for a date. Personally, I felt that that part was a bit off topic and useless. Here's where Harry gets introduced to Dumbledore's dead-looking hand. Which I also find a bit dumb since Dumbledore appears in public and takes him to the Burrow, where surprisingly his luggage is waiting. Since when did we learn that he had packed? And I doubt that Dumbledore will pack for Harry? Skip to train scene. Sadly, Ron and Hermione are not portrayed as prefects in the movie so Ron sits with Harry throughout the train ride. And Draco's supposed to be sitting in a compartment of his own. Instead, he's just sitting in a booth. And where are Crabbe and Goyle? When Draco Body-Bind Curses Harry, Luna instead of Tonks comes to his rescue with the excuse that Luna just followed a whole bunch of Wrackspurts which Harry is apparently filled with. And no, they weren't late. The gates weren't closed and Snape didn't have to accompany them. I'm not going to spoil the whole movie. Overall, I've got nothing much to complain about nor comment as the show wasn't perfect but neither was it extremely sucky. It was in between mediocre and perfect. Nothing extraordinary. And nothing I hated. And the movie really did stay true to the book although there were a few minor changes and a major addition where the Burrow burns and the Death Eaters come to the Burrow and Bellatrix lures Harry out by the usual taunt of 'I killed Sirius Black'. And Ginny galiantly follows after Harry. ==' and O.o Isn't there supposed to be a ring of charms around the Burrow so that Death Eaters and the likes of them cannot enter? Overall, not perfect but not bad either. Should be a movie to watch if you have read the book and if you haven't and cannot understand, don't complain if the movie 'sucks' to you... The producers were only doing their job in producing it and in all things, there must be change to achieve the desired effect. So, don't complain for too long. I don't blame you if you complain for a while. But don't let it control you and tell everyone not to watch it. That isn't very nice as others may have different opinions. Muchappreciationandlove, Lynxoxo
craving the unattainable; two-timing two gorgeous boys
Saturday, July 18, 2009 @ 8:04 AM
craving the unattainable; two-timing two gorgeous boys
They'd understand the need for me to two-time Contents: Not understandable
I'm not going to repost the two previous posts. I'm too lazy to recall DaiCon moments and the post before this is going to be part of this one. I shall begin with saying:
I am going to marry Nakayama Yuma and Nakajima Yuto. And yes, I have officially accepted Yuma w/ B.I. Shadow. It could be due to the fact that besides loving Nakajima Kento and Kikuchi Fuma, I've also fallen for Nakayama Yuma, which I'm sure I have mentioned multiple times already. Still, there are those who cannot accept Yuma w/ B.I. Shadow I shall not condemn those people by saying "Why are you so lame? Can't you see that they are so awesome?" and so on and so forth. It's their right to like who they want But I shall state why I am so in love with NYC Boys and Yuma w/ B.I. Shadow
Partially, it is due to the fact that Nakayama Yuma looks exceptionally beautiful in NYC Boys' PV and that I've listened so much to Akuma na Koi by Yuma w/ B.I. Shadow that I've forgotten to enjoy Nakayama's beauty and instead have fallen in love with the group through their only single. It is also quite due to the happiness that they are showing, portrayed through the PVs. I can hardly judge by the makings for the making for NYC (Sky High) by NYC Boys shows more of the three main: Nakayama Yuma, Yamada Ryosuke, Chinen Yuuri then the other four: Nakajima Kento, Kikuchi Fuma, Koichi Yugo and Matsumura Hokuta so we really don't get to see how well they are bonding. Needless to say, Nakajima and Kikuchi should be pretty close right now for they've acted in Scrap Teacher together and they've been with Matsumura for some time already. I haven't seen the making for Akuma na Koi by Yuma w/ B.I.Shadow so I can't judge how much member ai they have. As quoted by newshfan of www.newshfan.livejournal.com: "It's like the first ever Hey! Say! JUMP makings where no one has much to say." You can't really blame them, can you? They been shoved together at such a quick pace that they barely have time to bond and get to know each other unlike the now HSJ makings when they have been together since two years ago and have really developed member ai. And, while people are complaining that B.I. Shadow has lost it's identity by being the shadows of Nakayama Yuma and I'm not going to deny that I haven't done it. Yes, I was one of those who complained but once I watched them extremely closely, I realise that they aren't so bad a group. It isn't their fault that they got stuck together. Johnny-san stuck them together to make money. I don't think they asked to be joined together. And it isn't their fault either that Johnny-san stuck Nakayama Yuma in the spotlight. He didn't ask for it. Maybe he's got extreme talent. We can't tell for we don't belong in the Johnny's company. We can't know what's going on behind the scenes. I guess we've just got to accept the fact that Nakayama is in the spotlight, they've already debuted and that our favourite B.I.Shadow boys have finally debuted after an age of waiting. And although at times, Nakayama Yuma returns to Mr. Creepy-Smile mode when he photoshoots, you can't deny that he loooks extremely beautiful and natural when he's on film. And our B.I. Shadow boys don't get enough spotlight. We'll just have to accept that fact. After all, they've already debuted. And I'm sure that these five are going to go extreme heights in the future. And when I'm 27, I'll be married to Nakayama Yuma. Let's pray that he's still not a scaredy-cat at that age. I've added a new obsession to my list of already obsessions. And it'll increase with time. But when I'm 23, I'd probably not be able to fangirl over the 16-year-old Johnny's that might debut at that time. I might like their music but fangirl-ing over them is extremely wrong. It's like pedophile work.
Muchappreciationandlove, Lynxoxo
the long wait is over; finally time to squeal
Friday, July 17, 2009 @ 3:35 AM
the long wait is over; finally time to squeal
Beating dokidoki is something my heart has stopped doing till I saw you
Have currently removed this post. Will repost when the proper mood returns to spin more readable words. Or maybe not. Leaving the lyrics to NYC (Sky High) by NYC Boys though.
Love, love, love and peace You, you, you and love New York City Boys Sky High (Sky High!) Sky High (Sky High!) We love all the world
*Gomen ne Nah, Nah Nah, ai janai Baby love, ii janai Nah, Nah, Nah, yume janai Koi wo tomenaide.
My girl usu beni iro shite iru Your lips furue teru yo Iron na koto kangae sugite I Want You tatta hito koto ga umaku ienai to nanimokamo ga kawamawari
* Give me, give me, give me Kiss me baby Give me, give me Give me motto
My girl urunde iru hitomi Your smile sonna fuu ni Kanashii kao wa nido to sasenai
I need you chotto hikaeme na Kimi no yasashisa ni Amae sugite toomawari
Oshiete Nah, Nah, Nah kimi no koto Baby love yakusoku sa Nah, Nah, Nah koko e kite Ai wo kesanaide
new resolutions; falling in love in a crowded hall
@ 3:00 AM
new resolutions; falling in love in a crowded hall
Dreaming of that magical moment when feeling alive is the key point Have currently removed this post. Will repost when the proper mood returns to spin more readable words. Or maybe not.
birthday wishes three
Saturday, July 11, 2009 @ 8:00 AM
birthday wishes three  
Happy Birthday Kato Shigeaki of NewS Be nice to the rest of News, spread member ai, finish your fourth year in college, always, always love Keiichiro and never forget us fans. You'd never ever read this whether now or later but I feel happier, wishing you a happy birthday. I know those two pictures above do you no justice but, oh well. You'll always remain my baby boy. Happy 22nd on the 11th of July. Lynxoxo
the art of stalking; exhilaration of discovery
Friday, July 10, 2009 @ 10:48 PM
the art of stalking; exhilaration of discovery
Discovering something that doesn't exist or giving a monkey a shower Contents: Slight not understandable. Not understandable. Not adviced to read if you are fed up with my constant love for all objects Japanese.
The mad craze of Google Maps. Began only at an hour to midnight, my darling sister and I went a little mad after looking at schools mainly, La Salle, Assunta and SriKL on Google Maps' satellite view. We had the sudden mad urge to go visit Japan. And btw, Japan's Google Maps is way nicer than ours. Theirs; you can literally roam the streets of Japan whereas ours, you can just view it from the top. T.T On a little stalking spree, we decided to look for Horikoshi Gakuen, the school that Japanese celebrities attend. And when I say celebrities, it means Hey! Say! JUMP and the likes of them. Being pretty stupid, I didn't think that the search bar (which said search in Japanese) above the small screen for viewing the map was used for locating the places on the map. I thought it was used for searching the web so I didn't make use of it until quite late. So, me being useless used http://www.wikipedia.org/ to locate the Japanese characters for locating the spots. And memorising the characters and then painstakingly straining our eyes to locate the tiny spot in the jungle of tiny insignificant places. Time and time again, we had to zoom out to make sure that we hadn't strayed from the area that we were supposed to be searching in. And believe me, we strayed countless times. Over and over again, we had to scour Wikipedia for the correct place and to pinpoint which prefecture and district we had to look in. After much eye-straining and searching, we discovered that Horikoshi Gakuen is located in Nanako, Tokyo. And locating Nanako wasn't easy. We could barely find it on the map. After a little spark of daring, I decided to try out the "search" bar located at the top and ta-da, we made our job much easier and had located Horikoshi Gakuen in mere minutes. And damn, that school is so blue. We could see it even if we zoomed out for it was so absolutely striking among a bunch of drab, grey coloured buildings. And I managed to identify it by the famous building with the stairs that can always be seen if you search "horikoshi gakuen" on GoogleImages. I'm not sure if that is the administration building or what but it looks pretty formal and formidable. And me being a dumbdumb wasn't exactly sure what to make of it as I couldn't identify the school based on just that. And my sister, being the ever sensible and smart one, found that written on the basketball court center in GIANT letters "Horikoshi". So can you imagine how big it is, the words to be able to be seen from that high? The school's compound isn't all that big compared to the schools here. It doesn't even have a grassed field unlike most of our schools here. What was best was that when we literally got onto the streets in front of the entrance to Horikoshi Gakuen, in big letters on top of the ancient Japanese times styled door with the wood in strips with tiny spaces in between read "Horikoshi Gakuen". We didn't notice that it was there until the second time we got down to the ground. How useless can we be, right? And there is only one road leading into it and it is surrounded by buildings so that only one side of the school is exposed to the public eyes. So unfair. We passed by countless times, trying to find a way to see round the school until we were smart enough to go back to satellite viewing to locate a road but there was none. We went to bed with high spirits and my sister dreaming about Nakayama Yuma.
Muchappreciationandlove, Lynxoxo
Can't deny that Nakayama Yuma is hawt but I feel as if betraying the original B.I. Shadow. If only they weren't know as Nakayama Yuma w/ B.I.Shadow
in utter embarassment; the fall of the egoistic
@ 2:32 AM
in utter embarrassment; the fall of the egoistic
Funny how when you're infatuated, you seem to do the most darnest and most embarrassing things.
Understandable Not understandable
I made an utter fool of myself today in front of someone I so wanted to impress. I only wanted to impress out of sheer jealousy. The ease between both of them is so apparent that I can't help but feel jealous that it was I who had first discovered that the person existed on the face of the Earth. Shouting with full confidence about his dripping wet clothing and that a certain someone was missing. My confidence was short-lived though when he gave me an extremely cutting response that made my heart drop to the bottom of my gut. I had wished at that exact moment that the ground would open and swallow me up as I watched him leave like a lovesick teenager when all I wanted was a moment of attention like he had given her. The absence of a phone turned our "friendship" into "acquaintance" and as he questioned the inevitable, the jealousy rose to an extremely dangerous level. Sirens and warning bells went off but due to the the little green female in me, I ignored the warnings to back off. I sound like a desperate woman but I discovered the existence of this person first. And I desperately wanted the attention that he had given. I KNOW I sound desperate but forgive it. Back to the original tale of when he had cuttingly told me that he didn't give a damn and didn't want to speak to me. At least he gave the impression of the latter. But the former was definitely evident and it did hurt. He never flashed me so much as a glance and I confidently tried to grab his attention. I doubt he even knew who the fuck I was. I doubt he noticed my existence on the face of this earth if I had spoken first. The other two with him had looked at me "like one kind". I was utterly embarrassed and ashamed of my boldness. All I had wanted to do was to exchange a few words. A few friendly words of hello. A smile would have been sufficient just to tell me that he knew I existed. I wasn't important enough. The previous time when we had met face to face, he had barely said a word nor exchanged glances. He was infatuated with her to put it in my own words. By now, he and she might already know that I'm talking about them. Before I continue, I would like to say, even if you know that it is you that I'm talking about, please do not bring up this subject with me under any circumstances as it is an extremely touchy and sensitive subject with me. If you ever do bring it up, I will ignore you. No matter who brings it up, it will still be ignored. No one knows about it, not even my best friend whom I confide everything in. And if she doesn't know, no one else know. It's my dirty little secret. A real sin of mine. From where I had left off, he has never acknowledged me and the few conversations we have had over the Internet were extremely short and I enjoyed every word as he was one of the few people whom I manage to talk about insignificant things with and manage to keep it interesting. At least to me. I don't know about his POV. The first time I met him, he was striding confidently towards her and his attention was focused on her. He had never acknowledged my presence and anything I would have said at that moment would be absolutely the words of a dumb blonde as I don't really say sensible things when I'm nervous. Yeah, that's me. If it's not meant to be, it will never. If it has been written that we would meet under excellent circumstances, so it shall. In the meantime, I shall sit back, harbour much jealousy although I love her like a sister and wait for the very day that fate would direct his eyes towards me. And no, the infatuation that I have is not for a boyfriend as most would think. Just a jealous notion. I'm now absolutely all for Nakayama Yuma w/ B.I. Shadow. Not that I enjoy seeing Yuma's name sitting there with B.I. Shadow (Boys in Shadow) as his shadow and backdrop singers instead of being a group with no focus on any single member. The group has grown on me with their song of 'Akuma no Koi'. Also, I've just discovered that the one that has been viewed on Music Station isn't 'Akuma no Koi'. In fact, it is two songs of NYC (Sky High) and Akuma no Koi. One sang by NYC Boys (Nakayama, Yamada Ryosuke and Chinen Yuuri) and the other by Nakayama Yuma w/ B.I. Shadow. It is also due to the fact that Yuma is actually extremely, extremely good-looking. The picture release of the five of them together did him no justice and led to the thinking of Mr. Creepy Smile. He is so extremely handsome that he would outshine Yamada Ryosuke and Chinen Yuuri together but it could be because I'm bias since I didn't compare him to the beautiful Nakajima Yuto. The short version release of Akuma no Koi and NYC (Sky High) opened my eyes to Yuma's beauty. He was outstandingly gorgeous in NYC (Sky High)'s short version PV. Also, the NYC (Sky High) Short Ver. PV revived the love that I had once harboured for Yamada Ryosuke. He looks extremely yummy in PVs but in reality, he isn't all that. That's why I prefer Yuto. Perfect in both PVs and reality. Needless to say, Chinen is as beautiful as always.
I'm in a dilemma to joining Leo or not. Some tell me to join while I don't know if I am able to devote myself to becoming a probationer again. Maybe I should. Maybe I shouldn't. Maybe I want to. Maybe I don't. Muchappreciationandlove, Lynxoxo
horrific tales of misery; wishing to be elsewhere
Wednesday, July 8, 2009 @ 1:16 AM
horrific tales of misery; wishing to be elsewhere
Pounding heads are the products of boredom
Wednesday. 8th of July. Supposedly a day which I was most likely to enjoy. The car ride there was filled with Pn. S enlightening us with tales that keep us talking with much ease rather than being awkwardly sitting in a teacher's car. Descending from the car and greeted with a blast of extremely cold air from the high-powered air conditioners, I thought nothing of the boredom and dragging hours that awaited us. I came with an open heart, ready for anything that might be coming in this 'Creative Writing Workshop'. I thought we would be given tips on how to write effectively. Th workshop started off with us playing a game. The facilitator asked us to write down absolutely anything that was on our mind at the moment, be it the word 'nothing'. Just anything. At the blow of her whistle, we were to begin and we weren't to lift the pencil/pen off the paper no matter what. And we did. I obviously brain stormed, seeing as I was pissed off with how my current book is going. That was only the beginning. Judging by that activity, I thought that this workshop wouldn't be a waste of time. Alas, I was wrong. We were then separated into groups based on our birth month. I was nicely being honest and decided not to stick with my school but it turns out, four other members from my group had lied about their birth months just for the sake of sticking together. Three boys and a girl. Safe to say, the girl was a down right bitch. It might sound hilarious to say this but well, the boys were giant bitches too. Not wanting to speak their bitching and gossip out loud, they gossiped and bitched through messaging. Not one member in our group was spared their bitchtalk. Enough about them...I wouldn't want to waste precious blog posts talking about them. Back to the workshop, it started with mind maps. I'm not a giant fan of mind maps. In fact, I absolutely detest them and even with this workshop, I still absolutely detest them despite this workshop. Our facilitator, whatever her name is, she told us to use all our five senses plus the sixth sense of emotion. And she gave us oranges to FEEL. I bet you all are thinking of wrong stuff at the moment. Don't! And my group made a mess of the mahjong paper that was given. The four asses mentioned above played with the orange peel and squeezed orange juice all over the paper. Headaches started to form at that moment. And we were supposed to come up with five sentences based on the words that we had come up with for the orange mindmap. Unfortunately, we crashed and burned. And it has nothing to do with me. Maybe it does. I refused to contribute anything as they didn't seem to want to work with anyone but themselves. They were talking among themselves only and they even slandered myself and the innocent Form 2 girl next to me. Needles to say, we weren't one of the most outstanding teams of the workshop at that moment. I was as most of you might guess, crestfallen. I, with the giant ego, is extremely use to being credited for having excellent sentences and ideas. Breakfast: We were served with Putu Mayam. Returning into the void of boring-ness, we did some stuff to do with captioning pictures. News caption and picture captioning. That was absolutely unnecessary. When you're trying to score in your essay-writing and try not to get the tons of red marks that you would, picture captioning and news captioning would never ever, ever help you in your exams. At this point of time, I managed to uncover that the point of this workshop was to entice people to join the NST's version of BRATS which is exceptionally lame and they call themselves NiEXTERS. Notice the NIE part? Now, who's copying who? I instantly lost interest in the program altogether. I wanted to go for BRATS and I didn't feel like going for NiEXTERS as they didn't offer much opportunities. And they are exceptionally boring. Picture captioning and news captioning wasn't that bad. We didn't crash and burn with much injuries. But we still crashed and burned. Escaping with minor injuries. And then, we went to personality and event coverage. Personality had to do with interviewing well, personalities. And event...well, covering events. So, we had to come up with questions and ask an accompanying teacher who was supposed to be 'retiring'. My group was pretty co-operative during the question suggestion period but when it came to interviewing the teacher, the four sampat-ed people wanted to interview their own school teacher since they claimed that she could give better answers. Isn't that a little bias? They refused to interview the teacher who was supervising us and even gave her the label of 'eye-infection teacher' for her eyes were extremely red. In the end, after the insistence of myself and Yen Yi, the Wesley girl, they just agreed reluctantly to interview her. After that, we were supposed to write an article with the answers that we received from the teacher. Another crash and burn situation. Ours was the most mundane essay ever. It wasn't even my standard. I was thrown further down the disappointment ladder when I heard the other articles wrote out. Lunch: Some Indian rice with curry chicken, dhal and pappadum. Sarsi. A David Cook tribute. Actually, writing a review on a song. It just so had to be Time of My Life. One of my most hated songs for it was Cook's winning song. Our facilitator, JugDish, rushed through the whole thing as I think that we must have been running out of time. She also ran through the opinion giving part. HeSays, SheSays was the title of the column that she was training us for. Notice the use of the verb training. I think that to me this was the best part as I finally got to unleash the writing-ness in me.
And that is as far as I can go and it's also actually the end of my lameylamey post as I'm currently trying to remove the headache so there isn't much concentration. Also, I'm blogging from SweetMae's house. I've been blogging this post for about an hour and a half. Too many distractions in the form of blinking messengers, the headache and the unable to decide song on YouTube. So, that's just about as I can remember about the damned workshop which was useless. And turns out, we need to return to school and re-present the whole thing. I hope with the useless-ness of this workshop, Pn. S wouldn't get us to give a talk about this.
Muchappreciationandlove, Lynxoxo
heartbreakings tales of love; the beauty of words
Tuesday, July 7, 2009 @ 5:20 AM
heartbreaking tales of love; the beauty of words
Each time I see you smile or hear your voice, my heart soars I guess there isn't going to be much not understandable stuff in this post. Nothing very not understandable happened today. So, starting off. I've just finished reading the last installment of the Helios Eclipse. Most of you probably have no idea what the hell a Helios Eclipse is. I'm not categorizing this under not understandable stuff as this has no Japanese Idols essence in it. Helios Eclipse is a comic (notice that I don't say manga) written and drawn by local mangaka Kaoru. Not a big fan of Malaysian produced comics, I have to say that I have only ever liked three Malaysian produced comics. The Helios Eclipse series, Lawak Kampus by Keith and Le. Gardenie by Ben, if I'm not mistaken. Lawak Kampus is utterly hilarious though a bit gross at times, in the sense that they find cockroaches in food and bath in the school's drinking water supply. Not one that I would recommend if you're looking for a good manga/comic to read. But if you're looking for a good laugh, this one, you really shouldn't miss out on. They're actually four strip comics but extremely easy to understand even if they only consist of four panels. Helios Eclipse is a seven installment comic originally published in the Gempak/Starz magazine though when it was being published, it was still known as Gempak. I won't really recommend it for those who won't buy all seven as without one, you probably wouldn't really understand what's going on. And each copy costs RM 7.50, if I'm not mistaken. Still, I highly recommend it as the story line is awesome and the art is uniquely original. You can tell that it's Kaoru's style even if you read her other works. Her drawings are really detailed. I've got high praise for this one. Lastly, Le. Gardenie. A definite must read. Not matter how many times I read, I still cry. Goes to show that it manages to evoke true emotion. And, it has won an/ award(s). A truly good story line that you can manage to connect to your daily life and beautiful art. One of a kind art that is drawn with great detail and precision. It's a four part installment but originally published in one of the manga/anime/game magazines. I can't remember which one though. Definite must read along with Kaoru's Helios Eclipse. Disclaimer: All reviews are based on the blogger's opinion and has nothing to do with promoting the artists nor the manga itself.
I've started reading Harry Potter again just to remember what went on in the sixth book before I journey to the cinemas to probably watch a not-up-to-mark movie. I probably wouldn't even like the movie. I know I haven't enjoyed the Harry Potter movies after they switched directors and the originally Dumbledore passed away. The current Dumbledore doesn't wear the half-moon glasses which is a signature of the distinguished principal of Hogwarts. Funny, I can't really remember what went on in the sixth book now that I read it again. I didn't even remember that the Half-Blood Prince has got something to do with Harry Potter's Potions textbook. O.o How dumb of me, right? I just know that the sixth book has got something to do with Horcruxes. A giant laugh for me. And I remember that Harry dates Ginny. That's all. I'd probably have to read it once more before I see the movie. And I can guarantee that I would probably be able to immerse myself in it because I can't remember what went on again. Safe to say, I cannot wait till the Harry Potter movie releases here and when it has released and I've watched it, expect me to rant about how it had nothing to do with the book and how terrible it was. I've already disliked the fifth movie although my parents were okay with it. I didn't like Eragon either. Neither did I enjoy Twilight. I most did not like Stormbreaker. I think the only book-to-movie I've really ever praised was Prince Caspian. If I'm not mistaken. That series (including the first movie, of course) was the only one that stayed true to the book. Most of the time I really don't enjoy book to movie makes as they never really follow the book. So, expect me to criticise the movie.
I'm getting extremely frustrated as I have not been able to write very well these past few days. Possibly because I have not had very much concentration due to my laziness to study which is getting me extremely worried. When I first started out writing my latest book, it was with full enthusiasm. As it progressed, I lost the passion towards the book as I realised that it wasn't heading in the exact direction that I wanted it to. But I still persevered. It's not doing very well at the moment. I need to do more drafts. I usually write upon instinct. There are no plans when I write. Maybe I should start doing so. I wouldn't get so many mistakes and mis-ideas. Opinions?
Muchappreciationandlove, Lynxoxo
sniffing in delight; a craving to bake cupcakes
Monday, July 6, 2009 @ 4:41 AM
sniffing in delight; a craving to bake cupcakes
There're no words left to describe how much I feel for you
 (L) Akanishi Jin (R) Masuda Takahisa
First and foremost, I would like to wish a Happy Belated Birthday to Akanishi Jin of KAT-TUN and Masuda Takahisa of NewS whose birthdays fall on the 4th of July. Now that wishes and greetings are over:
Normal stuff Not understandable parts
Desiree is back. The name is keeping forever. I've decided to stick with it no matter what. Even if I find a new name that I like, I'm sticking to Desiree. So, in future, my business card will read: Desiree Khuan Shern Lyn Lecturer, pianist and world-acclaimed author. On to the not understandable feature of most of my blog posts. For now, I'm deciding to colour code my posts so that you guys don't have to read whatever you don't wish to. And if the post is all about not understandable stuff, I'll state at the beginning of the post and vice versa with understandable stuff. At the beginning of the post, I'll put the colour legend so you guys don't have to read the not understandable parts. Hai? Sugoi ne?
Currently starting to get addicted to Hey! Say! JUMP's Jounetsu JUMP, Nakayama Yuma with B.I.Shadow's Akuma no Koi-and the group itself-and Nantoka Naru Sa by Masuda Takahisa, Koyama Keiichiro and Yamashita Tomohisa; all three of J-pop group NewS. It's actually a miracle that I like Akuma no Koi since I was absolutely against Nakayama Yuma with B.I. Shadow when the news that they were debuting with that conceited name came out. The song isn't bad and now that he's seem to have grown on me, Nakayama Yuma isn't all that bad looking. He's actually quite pretty, if it weren't for that creepy I-want-to-murder-you smile. And I've recently discovered that Koyama Keiichiro's mouth is naturally curved in the smiley manner, even when he doesn't smile so he can't look emo. He'll still look as pretty and gorgeous as ever without the extra happiness though. Damn, his lips are as kissable as Yamapi's. He's the first ever single eyelid guy that I have ever had eyes for, even if my sister has had eyes on him for a longer time. *snickers* If only that darned boy was a few years younger. Say, 8 years. That's asking for too much though. And speaking of YamaPi, I've discovered that he isn't all that perfect. His teeth aren't that perfect. So, he's imperfect when he smiles with his teeth. You'd think that the imperfection would make him less beautiful...Ahahaha. He's extremely beautiful no matter what. And this lovely endearing 24-year-old has a giant heart of gold. He let's his mom sleep on his bed while he sleeps in the hall. And he doesn't say a mean word about Kato Shigeaki of the same group even if that darned Shige is pretty annoying at times. This was proven on an episode of a talk show. If I'm not mistaken Hanamaru Cafe. Yerp, that's it. And Masuda shall forever remain as my darling.
Returning to the normality: I've recently acquired the urge to bake cupcakes since the cupcakes that you usually get outside aren't all that awesome unless you pay and exorbitant price for it. And that also, you don't get really high quality ones. You get those that use margarine instead of butter and even if they used butter, it would be the low-quality butter. And the icing that they use is extremely oily and fattening. And also, the amount of sugar that they use could give you a bad case of diabetes. So, if I suddenly treat you people to cupcakes, no, they're not poisoned and if you die or get sent to the hospital, it's not my fault. The cupcakes aren't poisoned but made with lurve. Also, I've had the sudden urge to make miso soup. SweetMae! This one's for you. If i decide to make miso soup, goodlah. But the ingredients are extremely difficult to locate. Ahahaha. SweetMae, your birthday present will be miso soup.
Before I forget, little Wednesday shocks turned out to not be so shocking after all. It's more of a watch-and-learn segment. Dinner moments.
Muchappreciationandlove, Lynxoxo
a little happiness to go round; shockingly staring
Sunday, July 5, 2009 @ 12:09 AM
a little happiness to go round; shockingly staring
Waltzing to the imaginary beat from the sweetness of your voice It's been eons since I've updated...Wait, lemme check when was the last time I bothered to blog and well, the date on my last blog post says Sunday, the 28th of June. It mostly likely is a Sunday since I was complaining about Art and not finishing it. I'm taking studying really seriously and I haven't had time to blog yet these past few days. And although I'm taking studying extremely seriously, the only thing I've studied besides the stuff in tuition is the last chapter of Form 2 History. Furthermore, the History teacher in school is a real bitch. I can barely hear a single word she says. It's as if she's talking to herself, hell, teaching herself History. So, it's up to me to teach myself History. So, SL, be a good teacher to yourself. I've been neglecting homework these past few days. I wonder if I even want to hand in my Art sketchbook. Funny, I seem to absolutely hate school. I cannot wait for PMR to be over and then I don't have to study so hard and slave over my work. Blissful days ahead after the tough days of slaving and gruelling torture over the textbooks and the words we barely comprehend less enjoy. So, join in the fight for the blissful days and hopefully that by the end of the year, it's true bliss for each and everyone of us. Hopefully, the number seven is the lucky number for each and everyone - in some cases, lucky number 8-Hmm, where'd lucky number nine go? Oh yes, if anyone is suggesting that I go study group. *kicksintothebottomoftheoceanwiththenaturalgasandpetroleum* I hate study groups and to me, they are not effective at all since I tend to talk about nonsense in study groups instead of the topic that we're supposed to be doing.
Little Wednesday shocks caught me in between staring at the computer with panas people singing and dancing with the news that I was to creative write. And I have been informed that it most likely would be a given-on-the-spot title which I totally suck at. The last time I did on the spot, I hopelessly crashed and burned with much injuries till this day hasn't been fully healed. Hopefully, there's no crashing and burning but a smooth journey this year.
You can tell when I'm not enthusiastic about writing a post. There's no SL essence and where's the piccy on the top that I've started to put?
Muchloveandappreciation, Lynxoxo