Yours truly. 17. Female. Malaysian. Petite. 27th MAY. Single. Maybe available *hinthint*
NEWS is her only drug. Absolutely, magically in love with BEAST. Hey! Say! JUMP. SHINee. Super Junior. In that order.
Assuntarian. A Harry Potter Twitter Role-Player. Compulsive writer. Lusting for a glance in her direction.
Sings like the world is deaf. As genuine as you can get. A self-proclaimed narcissist. Enjoys not having the other half
Love me? Hate me? I'll still be me. Enjoy. Lyn|Avery
Books Pave the Way to Destruction Yet to A Beauty Beyond Imaginations
286 posts from 5 June 2011
Escaping the conforms of society
To stupefy the endless expanse of the universe
Advancing into a world unknown
Please don't RIP Ask permission.
Discover where else she speaks her mind
Twitter: @theivorykeys
Facebook: Shern Lyn Khuan
Email: Contact either TorFB for details. (;
• To be any JE member's adopted sister
• My first book published
• To meet NewS
• To meet Hey!Say!JUMP
• To meet Super Junior
• To meet SHINee
• To get signed to SM Entertainment
• A degree in English
• Black skinnies (:
• White skinnies (:
• A pet. Definetely
• Japanese boy uniform
• To perform a JE song medley
• To perform in Tokyo Dome and get signed to JE
• Another trip to Japan
• Permanent Japanese residence
• A yukata
• A red and black checkered scarf
• To cosplay
• My first perfect Japanese bento lunch
• A Japanese dictionary
• Understand and speak fluent Japanese
• Understand and speak fluent Korean
• National status as a writer
• A laptop or something similar
Will be updated when fancy strikes
MY BRATs TEAM. Alor Star 2011
NewS (Lots of love).
Hey! Say! JUMP.
Masuda Takahisa.
Kato Shigeaki.
Yamashita Tomohisa
Super Junior.
Nakajima Yuuto.
Window shopping.
Tegoshi Yuya.
Twilight and Dusk.
Kim Jong-Woon
Koyama Keiichiro.
Winter jackets.
Nishikido Ryo.
Unofficial HSJ Malaysia LJ
amandang/doldol |
amylim |
annatan |
ashleykhor |
ben-jielim |
chuachiyan |
cynthiaong |
dariusbehyunji<3 |
eelainetan |
eeleng |
euniceho |
huichee |
honpaige |
horsegirl15 |
jadeyeap<3 |
kin-chan<3 |
lydiaong |
marcusheng |
miki-chan<3 |
nicolefong |
nicolemarcus |
previta |
A few words would be nice. :D
By post:
feeling helpless
being strong
Hatred Is Not Only A Feeling
To Shed Or Not To Shed
Can It Be Called Love?
When You Fall, Fall With Grace
Is It Called Self Abuse?
The Words of a Man in Love
Of Headaches and Departures
By month:
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
October 2011
waiting on the world; still waiting patiently
Monday, March 30, 2009 @ 12:24 AM
waiting on the world; still waiting patiently This is dead and boring. Currently stoning in my dad's office with tons of homework to do but am ignoring them and waiting for a very annoying Youtube to load quickly. Why can't Youtube upload a little quicker? So, here I am. Blogging a post filled with nonsense because I'm downright bored and rotting. I should be finishing up some Moral crap and start writing and finish at least two more parts of my book before the beginning of June and trial period. I plan to study like a mad woman during that period and then rejoice and enjoy after PMR ends. *sigh* Seems long but time is uber short. Waiting for my brain to start kicking in the worrying-about-studies period. Half worrying already but haven't kicked in the studying part because I seem to fall asleep each time I want to study. Geography and Sejarah, here I come. Lynxoxo
jumping for joy; can't wait to see it before my eyes
Sunday, March 29, 2009 @ 3:56 AM
jumping for joy; can't wait to see it before my eyes Today was Cheng Beng Day. Day where I will come home smelling like smoke and joss sticks. The day to get bitten by mosquitoes. The day that I get my fingers all red from fanning paper stuff and placing joss sticks. The day that I will sweat and stink. The day that always uses up my Sundays. The day that I usually enjoy. Yes, I'll admit that I find Cheng Beng Day pretty entertaining. I enjoy fanning out the stuff for burning and placing joss sticks at my ancestors neighbours graves. And well, today's Cheng Beng was pretty entertaining. Some dude was being chased by police and then, the police were like plain clothes officers and one of them had his gun out. At first, we all thought that they were gangsters and we had to go and hide behind the tablets of the graves for fear of being shot. It was all so freaky since they were dressed like those typical Malay guys who always leer at girls and even the van that they were in were like those contracter vans. It was all pretty creepy. We were all hiding until the guy took out handcuffs and then we were reassured. Phew. Police, my mom thought. Nothing bad's going to happen since police do have rules on firing. All for a pretty exhilarating day.
And second topic of today:
Discovery is sweet. Since ASTRO has NHK, I decided to look around for music programs on that channel. At first when my sister and I searched on Wikipedia, there wasn't any that we were very interested in but after reading around on Nakamaru Yuichi's profile on Wiki...Naka is my sister's KAT-TUN idol so she's pretty obsessed. Back to original, Nakamaru's profile provided a very interesting fact. Shonen Club, one of the most prestigious music shows is showing on NHK ASTRO at exactly the same time as Japan which would be on hour earlier than us so for us it would be at around 9:10PM....aaaaaaaah! Or was it AM, I forgot but it doesn't hurt to try. And it's on the first two Sundays of the month and a Premium Shonen Club shows on the third Sunday of the month. aaaaaaaah! Amazing discovery. Now I'm off... Lynxoxo
earthhour-ing; half an hour to go from now
Saturday, March 28, 2009 @ 6:05 AM
earthhour-ing; half an hour to go from now I apologise for abandoning my bloggie for the past week. I feel so bad for doing so but I really don't have the blogging mood or the crazy addiction. What to do when the past few weeks revolved around exams? I don't feel like reporting my results here. They're the same. No dropping much. No improvement much. So, what's the use? Results aren't all a very interesting topic. Oh yes, I've finally sent in my entries for MPH Short Story Competition and IDLA. Erm, to all who want to read, I'm posting them on my story writing blog after the contest period ends. To all who have asked me what my IDLA is about, wait, you'll soon know. To those who have read, don't tell anyone till contest period ends. I have five minutes till Earth Hour ends. Wished it lasted longer though. One hour doesn't mean much if it's only for an hour. Lastly, I HATE HER! I never thought I'd hate her. For the past two years, I've tried not to hate her but I don't understand how she can manage to evoke hate in me no matter how hard I try to be nice to her. I don't even say anything mean about her in the past years and months but right now because of her attitude, I can't help but be pissed off at her and her attitude. Just because she has a foundation built for her, she takes FULL advantage of it with no thought about the people surrounding her. Only the people that she likes and gives a damn about. For people she finds a threat, she throws them down to the bottom of her shoe and squishes them to pulp. But little does she know that the tiny little germ that she squished would grow into a giant bacteria bent on infecting her and ruining her life. That's what I will be when I grow up. The giant bacteria silently and ruthlessly crushing her life and her hopes and dreams. That's how much I hate her. On a psychological level, it is said that she is jealous of me and threathened by me. I'm no psychologist and she has gone for no psychology test but my psychological expert claims that she is. What is she jealous and threathened of? My writing skills? My marks? Likely. Lynxoxo
They can take the future that we'll never know, They can take the places that we said we will go, All the broken dreams, take everything, Just take it away, but they can never have yesterday
hopes and dreams crushed; new faith lives
Monday, March 23, 2009 @ 4:21 AM
hopes and dreams crushed; new faith lives SM! I shall kill you for killing me dreams. I don't want to friend you! Wtv. Anyways. This is just to tell those who I have informed about the dance/sing thing for NOSE High School. I have to cut from 10 people to 5 people. Not that there are people out there who would bother to join me except for Hana and Hanida...O.o That's like threee people plus me and I need two more. Anyone willing to join, tell me end of this year. hahahahaha. Not even going to bother now except for songline-up. Reasons: not enough microphones. sigh. I can only have two. So says AV people. At most three if I beg. I have too huge an ego to beg so yeah. Oh yes. New song line-up. Seishun Amigo - Shuuji to Akira First verse to Chorus. Might sing Chorus acapella at the beginning. Mayonaka no Shadow Boy - Hey! Say! JUMP Begins at second verse which is 'Suki nanda CHERRI' and ends at one Chorus. The first one. Believe - Arashi Begins at 'Kurikaesu mama...' and ends at Chorus along with last English part at end. RESCUE - KAT-TUN At beginning with Koki's introduction. Just opening Chorus with Akame's high parts. Watch the vid and you'll understand. 100% Yuuki - Hey! Say! JUMP/Ya-ya-yah Not very sure about this. Most likely from beginning till Chorus One Drop - KAT-TUN From 'Ushi nau toki made...' (maybe) up till first/second Chorus. To be decided later. Performance ends with 'Love, Dreaming, Eternity, Hope and BYE-BYE' Ta-da! If there's anyone out there reading this and know of friends who would like to perform, please tell them to visit my blog and drop a comment about wanting to join. I'm only looking for those who really love Japanese stuff and don't mind singing and dancing. I do not want those who are good at dancing and will try to change any dance moves that I decide. Neither do I want those to want to perform just to meet the Japanese people. True Japanese music fans who have an addiction to Japanese music. Namely KAT-TUN, Hey! Say! JUMP and all JE members. For once I get to be alpha-female. *insertevileyes* Anyone interested, tell me. But after PMR and exams. I don't want anything to interfere and screw up studies. Studies first, kay? Lynxoxo
I don't wanna cry alone Help me out Search my light Please take me back home
a not very 100 truths
Saturday, March 21, 2009 @ 6:52 AM
a not very hundred truths 001. Real name: Khuan Shern Lyn 002. Nickname(s): Shern; Lyn (that's it) 003. Zodiac sign: Gemini *most talkative baybeh* 005. Male or female: Go figure 006. Elementary: GIS Kindergarten in PJ (no longer exists there) 007. Middle School: Sekolah Rendah Sri Kuala Lumpur 008. High School: Assunta Secondary 009. College School: O.O College or school? Most likely college so...Somewhere for A Levels and then to study Contemp/Classical Romance 010. Hair color: Dark brown 011. Long or short: Short...And loving it 012. Loud or Quiet: Loud =) 013. Sweats or Jeans: Definetely jeans. 014. Phone or Camera: I'm more of a camera freak since I don't own a phone. 015. Health freak: When obsession kicks in at certain moments 016. Drink or Smoke? Neither. Unless you mean drinking water. But alcohol and smokes are a big no-no for me. 017. Do you have a crush on someone? Tatsuya Ueda, Nakajima Yuuto=people I will never be able to have (= 055. Waiting for My procrastination to end
FUTURE: 058. Want kids? Definetely 059. Want to get married? Also a big yes! But only after a successful career 060. Careers in mind? Writer. Casting Director. FashionDesig. P.Detective
WHICH IS BETTER IN THE BOY/GIRL YOU LIKE ? 068. Lips or eyes? Eyes 070. Shorter or taller? Taller 072. Romantic or spontaneous? Both. I can't decide 073. Nice stomach or nice arms? Again both. What's a tone stomach without toned arms? and vice versa 074. Sensitive or loud? Sensitive 075. Hook-up or relationship? Relationship 076. Trouble maker or hesitant? Neither. Trouble maker? Too much trouble(pardon the pun) Hesitant? In what sense?
HAVE YOU EVER 080. Lost glasses/contacts? Never! 081. Ran away from home? Why would I? 082. Held a gun/knife for self defense Not yet! I plan to weild a gun someday...When I'm a detective! 083. Killed somebody? I'm not that evil 084. Broken someone's heart? Yeah...:) 085. Been arrested? Why would I? I'm a goody-two-shoes 087. Cried when someone died? In movies yes but irl, no.
DO YOU BELIEVE IN 089. Yourself Yeshyeshyesh. foreverandalways. 090. Miracles Not really. 091. Love at first sight Not till experienced. 092. Heaven Not till seen. 093. Santa Claus Ahahahaha. Very much 094 Tooth Fairy Funny, yes 095. Kiss on the first date Not at all. It shows how desperate you are.
ANSWER TRUTHFULLY 097. Is there one person you want to be with right now Tatsuya Ueda etc. all my Japanese idols. 098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life Not really. I still haven't published my book. 099. Do you believe in God Not atm. 100. Post as 100 truths and tag 10 people. I'm not tagging anyone since this tag is dumb. it's barely hundred questions O.o
Sou bokura wo zutto matteru Itsu made datte matteru Doko made mo tsuzuite yuku Michi de
sweet wishes and gift showers; a little to early to hope
Friday, March 20, 2009 @ 12:30 AM
sweet wishes and gift showers; a little to early to hope I know this is a little early and a little over-hoping. And narcisstic. And expectant. But I'm not. I would love gifts but it doesn't matter if you buy for me or not. It's up to you. But I just have a habit of listing out my wanted stuff for Christmas and birthdays. Habitual. Sorry if you find me expectant and like hoping and trying to get you to buy me stuff. Here's my list: 1) A veryveryveryveryveryveryveryvery good Japanese dictionary. 2) KAT-TUN's Queen of Pirates album (I might get this on my own or Sue Lynn's getting for me) 3) A fedora like the Ne-Yo/Chris Brown type of fedoras. Black! 4) A trip to Japan. Again. (I wish!) 5) My book being published? (The ultimate dream) 6) DBSK's Mirotic album (I'd probably buy this on my own, too but I'm hoping) 7) A little black dress. 8) New handbag, preferably Roxy. (Okay, this is a little too much but a girl can dream? 9) An original tokidoki (I'd probably get my parents to buy this) 10) The Freedom Writers Diary. (This has been a want for quite some time. Fueled by watching the movie just the other day) 11) Heels! White or black. 12) An mp4. I've given up on iPods. They cost a whole lot more than a simple mp4. 13) A phone. Sony Ericsson (This. I'm getting if I get 7As)
List will be updated when I think of something else I want. Most wanted stuff are bolded and coloured. The top on my list is the fedora and the dictionary. Both at affordable prices. Fedoras are available almost everywhere and so are dictionaries. Okay, I'll stop right now. I'm hinting. But I really do want a fedora(for performing and lala-ing purposes) and the dictionary(for my sentence construction purposes) I don't celebrate my birthday since it's always during the holidays and since I'm accustomed to not celebrating since I was young, I don't hold celebrations. Just a little info. Lynxoxo
You've got the wrong number; You've got the wrong number; You've got the wrong number; So don't call me no more.
ending with a poof; no bambam this time
Thursday, March 19, 2009 @ 11:35 PM
ending with a poof; no bambam this time I can't say that I really heart the new skin since it was pretty difficult for me to decide whether I wanted to change it or not. On one hand, I was uber bored with the old one but on the other, I did mess a lot with the codes of the old skin and it was hard to be separated. In the end, I've made my ultimate decision. Chang-E! Firstly, a few words about the new skin. 1) Ignore the annoyingly bimbo cursor for the time being. I haven't got around to changing it yet. 2) I was supposed to put music but in the end, I decided against it because I know that most people would just press the stop button; for instance, yours truly. 3) It's so plain! aaaaaah!
Now that's done. Holidays are over quicker than you can expect and well, as yours truly always does before the holidays begin, I fret. phew*blowshairoutofeyes* Geo's not done Neither is BM.
Hmm, I'm not really sure what else isn't done Aaah! Yes! KH! I haven't even handed it in so well, 10 marks for exam have gone down the dwain. I technically don't give a shit about KH. Crappy subject. I think I'll only give a damn about the stuff that concerns the PMR results like practical work and studying. Oh yes, now that I think about it, I've developed a new way of studying that I haven't started practising yet. ==' right? Well, I can't guarantee surefire ways of remembering but I have a feeling that it would work. Method: Read a chapter of whatever subject you are studying every day and I can guarantee that I and I repeat I, will manage to at least remember half the facts inside the book. Woot! Now that I've got studying methods covered, I need methods to finish homework covered. Geo is okay as long as the holidays don't come any closer because once the holidays begin, it's online-ing and gameboy-ing for the whole day instead of homework and studying. Can you see how much I procrastinate and how lazy I am? ehehehehehe I'm starting to like DBSK after my sister dissed them and caused me to unlike them. On the way to HGH Hall, I listened to them on Shu Jing's mp4 and they are actually really nice. Well, I've only heard one of their songs and it's 'Wrong Number' on JK Hits on MTV(or was it Channel V) Most likely MTV since Channel V is goddamned boring. Back to ori topic, DBSK isn't that bad. I would still be obsessed with my Japanese idols rather than Korean. (Hero isn't all that hawt, btw to all fans out there) Lynxoxo *Oh yes, cursor's changed while I was doing this post. I think this one is even more bimbo than the one before. At least, to me, it isn't so annoying. I'm trying to find out that drops stars like my old one. If anyone knows of a cursor that does just that in pink. Pass me the link or code. xoxoxo Let's save the world together Tattoo our dreams forever We'll always have each other Let's not change a thing
sparking wonders; introducing girly beauty
Tuesday, March 17, 2009 @ 9:26 PM
I finally found something to blog about...==' After blogging that small post below. From now on, I'm crapping till I find something very interesting to blog about.
Wikipedia doesn't provide the profile for the following Japanese idol so it is my duty as a loyal fan to do so.
Tatsuya Ueda

Name: Tatsuya Ueda Nicknames: Tat-chan, Uebo-hime Date of Birth: 4th October 1983 Birthplace: Saitama, Japan Height: 171cm Weight: 52kg Blood Type: B Talents: Basketball, plays guitar and piano, speaks English and French Hobbies: Basketball, shopping, playing the guitar Favorite Colour: Black and red Favorite Season: Winter Favorite Flower: Rose Favorite Part of Body: Hands Favorite Animal: Dolphin Favorite Food: Spaghetti, Steak, Sashimi, Caesar’s salad Favorite Things to Do: Read manga in the bathtub, play basketball & guitar Favorite School Subject: History Favorite Word: “Effort” Favorite Phrase: “Will you marry me?” Favorite Johnny’s Senpais: Tsuyoshi Domoto & Tsubasa Imai Ideal Type of Girl: Older, joyful, can cook and clean, is outgoing and has a pretty smile
Biography Tatsuya Ueda is the U of KAT -TUN and was the official leader of the group until he stepped down shortly after it’s formation. He tends to change his image a lot. It is rumored among his fans that it is highly possible that Ueda could be the mysterious SPIN who has written countless KAT -TUN songs such as “Le Ciel” and “GOLD”, because he is learning French as well as English, and therefore could well have written the French lyrics in “Le Ciel”. However, no other concrete evidence has surfaced to support this rumor. He is most famous for his solo performance “Love in Snow,” as well as his piano and guitar skills, among KAT -TUN fans. So far, he is the only member of KAT -TUN who hasn’t starred in a drama yet. Recently he is doing kintore (muscle training) for boxing which seems to be an influence from Dream Boys. He was voted No. 1 for “Who is the most suspicious?” (“KAT-TUN wo Abake,” a segment shown in the April 16, 2006 episode of Shōnen Club, a Johnny’s Entertainment variety show), because he always seems to be in his own world. He is the first KAT-TUN member to hold a series of solo concerts entitled "Mouse Peace" in September 2008 performing songs across various genres, such as rock, dance, ballad, and folk, all of which he penned himself. He is also the only member to have never acted in a television drama or film to date but will make his debut as a stage actor in the play Romeo and Juliet in March 2009.
Trivia 1.As a child, he witnessed a man being killed. 2.He went to an all-boy’s school. 3.He joined the Johnny’s because he admired Tsubasa Imai so much. 4.He is a sensitive person, and is easily hurt by what others say. 5.Band-mate Jin Akanishi who joined Johnny’s 6 months after Ueda thought at first that Ueda was a senpai of the same level as Hideaki Takizawa. 6.He was once talent-scouted by another talent agency. 7.Band-mate Kazuya Kamenashi befriended him when they formed KAT -TUN and always looks out for him. One of his wishes is for Ueda to have a solo concert one day which has came true 8.According to various j-web entries and the Kaizokuban Interviews, he is closest to band-mate Yuichi Nakamaru outside of KAT -TUN. 9.Ryo Nishikido from NEWS /Kanjani8 is sometimes cruel to Ueda. After Kazuya Kamenashi asked Ryo not to question Ueda about his ambitions, telling him that Ueda gets upset that he isn’t sure about it, Ryo publicly questioned him again. Then, early this year, Ryo announced that he hates Ueda most of all the Johnny’s. However, it has come to light that this rivalry was actually started by Shōnen Club, a Johnny’s Entertainment variety show. Despite the fact that the rivalry was mostly scripted, Ryo (famed for his cutting remarks) has admitted that he might have taken the incident too far by not thinking before speaking. 10.He learned to play the piano as a child, but now prefers the guitar and sometimes plays in KAT -TUN’s songs, such as “Rhodesia” and “Butterfly” (both solo pieces with the former sung along with Tanaka Koki and the latter with Jin Akanishi). 11.He speaks/is learning both English and French (the same as his idol, Gackt). 12.He used to want to be a teacher, but decided against it after realising that he might be assigned to an all-girls school (he says he would be too nervous). 13.His current long-term ambition is to direct classical music, while at present he has a share in creating KAT -TUN’s music. 14.He wants to name his future daughter “Elizabeth”, but because Japanese people would find it difficult to pronounce, he’d shorten it to “Eri/Eli”. 15.On the basketball team in school, he says he was very good. 16.He sometimes wears blue contact lenses. 18.He is most famous for his song “Love in Snow” sung during KAT -TUN’s Kaizokuban concert. 19.Like “Love in Snow,” most of his solos are ballads, like “Pieces” and “Kakigoori,” while others are rock songs, such as “Sparking” and “Lost.” 20.He comes from a wealthy family (according to SUMMARY backstage and the cartoon KAT -TUN episode of April 11, 2007) and travels on private planes from time to time. 21.Nakamaru Yuichi of KAT -TUN further commented that Ueda goes to Hawaii every year for vacation.
Quotes “With different people I’m with, I change into one of my many me’s and use that.” “I hate stupid girls.” “I’m a guy who likes to look cool whatever he does.” “My ambition is to become popular with the girls of the entire nation. I’ll attain it by the time I’m 24.” “I see fairies.” (His most famous quote) “I wish I can have a hot and serious relationship.”
So, Tatsuya Ueda is one of my biggest idols of Johnny's Entertaiment besides Kamenashi Kazuya, Akanishi Jin, Koki Tanaka and Nakajima Yuuto. Gambatte~! And support KAT-TUN Lynxoxo
living in a jane austen world; words are my forte
@ 8:44 PM
livening up the blog funny, usually during the holidays, it's the most undead but it's currently uber dead what more with nothing to do no going out nothing very interesting to report on not even about hey! say! jump or kat-tun I can't even study darn I'm out Lynxoxo I officially hate the holidays
ICC Charity Concert 2009 Photos
Monday, March 16, 2009 @ 4:05 AM
As promised, here are the piccys.
HunnyMadu and .... no idea how to spell his name. Sorry, not a huge fan of Flyfm. His accent was hawt though.
Mia Palencia (?) Is that how you spell it?
Mia Palencia and brother, Christian Palencia with Lucky by Jason Mraz and Colbie Callait.
Christian Palencia
Hot and Cool
King's Cross
Caprice One Buck Short. There are tons more pics but I'm lazy to upload. Also, ignore that figures on stage are so small. My camera's not made for far shooting. Made for looking pretty. :P Should use a Canon next time. Not a Sony. Till then. Lynxoxo
smexysmexy smelling spins my head; the weight of an arm on my shoulder
Saturday, March 14, 2009 @ 8:01 AM
Not going to be long. Not going to upload too many pics either. Pics in next post. Promise. Btw, right now, Facebook is being a b**ch and refuses to upload my pictures a little faster so I'll be posting them here first. (maybe I should upload one at a time)
14th of March, baybeh. ICC Charity Concert.
Arrived at school at 10.00AM since instead of my being all excited, it was my mom. And usually I'm the one bugging her to hurry up and not waste time. Today, it was the opposite.
Was supposed to leave school at 10.30AM but ended up leaving at 11.00AM. Was listening to DBSK and Goong songs on the way there (HGH Convention Centre) courtesy of Shu Jing. Ahahahaha.
Sweet Mae, Dhiviah and A.J. were there already so yay! Got place to sit. My feet already starting to ache in heels.
Event started at about 12 something. Ended exactly at 4. Erm, it's my first ICC concert so I can't actually say anything about it. I know that it was awesome. But as many people have said, never sit behind, in front, next to or even anywhere Sri Amans. They scream like sirens. Eeee!
I'm not going to crap so much about ICC. What's the use?
Erm, well, I did want to buy HunnyMadu's CD but well, I ran out of cash after buying Caprice's CD. SweetMae wanted to buy ...........'s album. Why? So she could get a pic with *ahemahemahem* If you understand me. ahahahahaha. Only SweetMae would.
Left HGH Convention Centre at 4.30. Reached school at 5. End of day. Oh yeah, I skipped out on the red belt 'cause it didn't go with my baju. Next year, I'm gonna go get a dress. ehehehehe!
And to top off an awesome day:
 LtoR: SueLynn, Caprice, Yourstruly, SweetMae Btw, for those who didn't get a chance for a pic: He smelt really awesome. In other words, smexysmexy smelling. Lynxoxo
kiritani shuuji is love; his younger brother is more love
Friday, March 13, 2009 @ 1:21 AM
Btw, Kiritani Shuuji is Kamenashi Kazuya's character in Nobuta. His younger brother... *insertevilface* well, look it up. I'm sure you'll figure it out soon enough.
Phew. I abandoned my blog for the past few days because of nothing interesting. It's all exams. What do you expect me to say? It was easy? It was hard? It's boring even for me to write. (It hantam Geo and KH. Whatever I studied for Geo didn't bother coming out...Grrr!) I actually have nothing to write. This post is just so my blog doesn't remain dead. Hmm, oh yes! KAT-TUN's new single has finally released. It's called RESCUE. When looking it up on Youtube, type in rescue kat-tun. Typing Rescue only will produce crap. I've finally decided on this year's colour theme. Black and Red. The inaugural presentation of these two colours will be during the ICC Concert. Red and black nails. Black clothing. Red MNG belt. White heels. ahahaha. standout colours. Nothing else to say right now. Lynxoxo
trying to cram knowledge; failing miserably
Monday, March 9, 2009 @ 11:52 PM
Today's torture session was Science and Sejarah. Well, it was torture to me, due to the fact that I ahd barely studied a single word save for Sejarah Form 2 until Chapter 3 but I didn't bother touching my Form 1 nor Form 3. Save to say, I flunked all my Malayan Union questions. Like who gives a f*ck about Malayan Union? My race wasn't part of any of that so why should I be involved? Save to say again, Malaysian history is biased and a waste of precious learning hours. Enough Japanese was crammed into my head from animes and INTEREST so I passed that fine(I think, hopefully). Sejarah Form 2 Charles Brooke chapter, I didn't have time to let SueLynn cram knowledge in so I didn't really know much of that. Form 1, stupid stuff came out so I was okay. *sighsfrustratedly* I only screwed my Malayan Union crap. Damn, when it comes to studying, I seem to develop headaches all the time. Serious! I'm not procrastinating. I develop headaches or fall asleep each time. Maybe I should translate my whole textbook into English so that I can study easier. Goddamn, why did it have to be in BM? Because of the bias-ness? Well, Sejarah was never my forte...Have to work harder for PMR and trials. That's all...^.^Yay! Science was damn dumb. Paper 1 was pretty okay. Easy enough for me to do since Science is in English and English is my forte so it was pretty easy for me to study. I didn't bother touching Form 1 because well, it was easy enough to understand and thank God that Form 2 did not come out. I only studied Form 3....Like about half an hour before exam because I thought Sejarah was first so I crammed Sejarah instead of Science. But thank God that I crammed Sejarah, if not, I wouldn't have passed. Science Paper 2 was crappy. The first question and I already didn't know. It was asking for the functions of apparatus...One was something to heat chemicals directly(claims SueLynn), the second was an evaporating dish and the third is either a testtube or a boilingtube...I know names, I don't know functions. And then came the three characteristics of aveolus(?) and I only knew two. ahahaha. Loads of blood capillaries and one cell wall thick. idk!
realisation; crushes dreams
Sunday, March 8, 2009 @ 11:14 PM
I think I might have just figured out why Japanese do not come to perform in Malaysia. My first assumption was because of hositility between both countries because of the war. Warning: This is just an assumption. Not to be taken seriously. It could be true and it could not. My assumption is that Japanese have very wild and crazy performances. They run about a lot and they need a lot of space. That's why they perform in Tokyo Dome which is uber-huge and they have a superlarge stage. Watch either KAT-TUN's Queen of Pirates concert or Hey! Say! JUMP's debut concert to see what I mean. They are available on Youtube. They do a lot of running about and they use a lot of stage space. Also, they need a very good sound system, lighting and all that lifting stuff and all those wires and all the stabilizing stuff and all that. Bukit Jalil's stadium doesn't have a very good sound system. Trust me, I've attended two concerts there before and it was partially ruined because of the lousy soundsystem. And, who wants to attends concerts in Stadium Merdeka. You can barely see a thing. Secondly, if it's a Hey! Say! JUMP concert, they do bring in a lot of people for other performances to make up for the lack of their performances. And if you do watch their debut concert, you'll understand what I mean about the number of performances. It's a huge number and I don't think they'd want to waste so much money on flying them over here. *sigh.* Now I can only hope and wait till I become famous and have an awesome agent who'll manage to bring either KAT-TUN/Hey! Say! JUMP over here. Lynxoxo
someone died; in reality was alive
@ 8:59 AM
Now, about that story I said I was going to tell in the tag below. Bt first, yes! Laura. We should write a letter to some high-end person and tell them to stop teachers from doing so. It is disrespectful to our privacy, especially since blogs are like our diaries.
The story is actually dating back to my first Moral class of the year 2009. I hated En. Mugunthan on first sight. Previously, we had named him Mr. Beaver. Right now, I enjoy En. Mugu's class and has grown to like him eventhough I hated him at first. So, he was actually like trying to impress us on his first day and kept saying that he was doing his PHD in Sejarah. He repeated it twice. And then, he and his strategy talk and all that crap about getting 7A's. I hate it when people talk about strategies to score and all that crap. Useless stuff. So, I had my black notebook. Those familiar with me would know that scribbling book which is supposed to be good for remembering homework but it isn't. I used it to release my pissed-off-ness with the dude and then I had the sudden urge to try cursing him: Death Note style. Thinking back, it is actually very hilarious. So, for fear of anybody picking up the notebook and then seeing that I cursed him, I scribbled swear and curse words and then among the spaces in between the scribbled words, I wrote: En. Mugunthan. (Then the curse. I won't write is 'cause thinking back, it was mean) For that whole week, I wrote it three times in my book. The next week, he didn't come to class for the whole three days of class. SueLynn and I thought that I really did kill him but it turns out I didn't. So, we were all in laughs at the end of the ordeal. sigh. iknow. If I told you in my own words, it's more hilarious. If I showed you proof, you'd be shock. Lynxoxo.
a 100 long questions; tagged by darius =)
@ 7:50 AM
People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs. Tag 10 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people. 01. What have you been doing recently? Reading Sherlock Holmes...Don't say anything Do you ever turn your cellphone off? Cellphone-less 03. What had happened at 10.00 am today? Reading Bound to Flame by Anna Windsor 04. When did you last cry? Friday. I didn't do 4 questions for Maths Paper 1 when I should haave been able to. 05.Believe in fate/destiny? A little. I'm not a firm believer in these things. 06. What do you want in your life right now? The power to study instead of read and go online. 07. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood? Depends on how heavy the rain is. Most of the time, I just go unprotected. 08.What's your favourite thing to have on your bed? A book and my softtoy doggies I had since I was young. oh yes, and a variety of shirts and pants that I discard everytime I dig my closet for something to wear. 09. What bottom are you wearing now? Shortyshorts. Dark green. Had them since I was ten. Comfy broken in shorts. 10. What's the nicest text in your inbox say? Email or phone? 11. Do you tend to make a relationship complicated? No idea. Ask whoever I'm in a relationship with. 12. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone? Erm, earphones? 13. What was the last movie you caught? Cinema or telly? 14. What are you proud of? My self-authored books and my piano. 15. What does the oldest message in your inbox says? Again, email or phone? 16. What was the last song you sang out loud? Last Farewell - Big Bang 17. Do you have any nicknames? Easy. Shern and Lyn. And some people choose to call me Desiree while only one calls me Yumi. 18. What does you last received text message say? That was ages ago when I used my mom's phone to text sm. 19. What time did you go to bed last night? I don't really remember. I kind of was talking to my sis when I drifted off to sleep. 20. Are you currently happy? High on ice-cream. 21. Who gives you best advice? Not really sure. I rarely ask for advice. I give it. I prefer to fly solo on my problems. Creates less of an issue for the people around me. 22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can? I haven't done that in ages. I want to though. 23. Who did you talk on phone last night? I seldom use the phone. 24. Is anyone bugging you right now? Funny, the mosquitoes don't seem to be attacking tonight. 25.What/ Who was the last thing/ person to make you laugh? Reading something on Wikipedia. P26. Do you wear toe socks? I hate them. 27. Who was the last person you missed a call from? idk. 28.Have you ever had your heartbroken? Yeah.... =( But I bounced right back up anyway. 29. What annoys you most in a person? Most of them time, it's the way they rarely listen to others and laugh at stuff that they deem funny but is neither sarcasm or humour. Just mean-ness. And the way most people cannot accept their bodies and lament on and on but do nothing about it. 30. Do you have a crush on anyone? Nakajima Yuuto. atm. 31. Have you ever done cocaine? I'm not that sick. 32. What is the colour of your room? Pink and blue. 33.Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollars? Never. I'd rather die first. It also depends on how much a threat that person is to the world. If it's a random person I hate who has done nothing to hurt society, forget it! 34. Do you believe in the saying of: talk is cheap? Three letters: y.e.s. Don't ask why. 35. Who was the last person to lie in your bed? O.O Who do you think would lie in my most intimate place in the world? Dumb question. 36. Who was the last person to hug you? Farah Ilyana. I saw her buying 'pisang goreng'. The only SriKL-ian I know who jumps and is excited at seeing me. ahahaha. 37. Did anyone see the last person you kissed? Loads of people see mommy but if you're talking abt a lover, I'm saving my first kiss for the time I'm 18. 38. Do you have a life? *checks* I'm breathing and living. 39. Have you ever think someone died, when they really didn't die? This is my favourite question of the whole tag. Sorry to whoever reads this but my opinion has changed. I'll tell you the story in above post but name: En. Mugu. 40. What is the reason behind your profile song? Zilch. Zero. Nada. Don't see the point in one. 41. Who was the last person you saw in your dream? Super Junior. ahahahaha. 42. Last time you smiled? Today. Just seconds ago. 43. Have you changed this year? It's too early to tell. 44. What are you listening right now? One Drop - KAT-TUN 45. Are you talking to someone when you're doing this? Talking as in verbally or texting/msn? 46. Do you walk with your eyes opened or closed? Who walks with their eyes closed? and mind you, blinds do not have their eyes closed. 47. Is there a quote you live by? Jumping to my dream...ahahaha. Inside joke. SueLynn understands. 48. Do you want someone you cannot have? Most of them are Japanese pretty boy celebrities. 49. Have you ever played an instrument? Yes, my piano sayang! 50. What was the worst idea you've had in this week? The idea that suddenly emo-ed my story and cuased me to delete a whole page of words. 51. What are you doing last night at 11 pm? If not mistaken, driving home from dinner in Port Klang. 52. Are you happy with your love life right now? Single and happy! 53. What song best describe your love life? eh...not really sure...I know! Seishun Amigo - Shujii to Akira. A song abt friendship. 54. Does the person know that you like him/her? =.= O.oo Single and happy? Remember? 55. Who always make you laugh? My darlings. 56. Do you speak other language other than English? Definetely BM, speaking since I was a kid. (to those who do not reside in M'sia, it's taught since we were kids) Broken Japanese. Cantonese. A little Mandarin. 57. Favourite website(s)? My blog, Youtube(my source of inspiration)ehehehe. 58. What's your middle name? Shern! Not counting my self-appointed English name of Desiree. 59. What are you doing tomorrow? Sleep, read Sherlock Holmes, force myself to study Sejarah and go online besides the basic needs of life. 60. What do you think you are like? What kind of question is this? *interpretswithconfusion* emmm, I'm like a dumbblonde with brains. I'm noisy, loud and irritating but I can be quiet and reclusive at times. And I don't give a damn about my beauty! 61. Who will you choose to die with? I don't choose to let anyone's life end because mine did... 62. Where have you been today? At home, bathroom, living room, kitchen, bed room, toilet...Whereelse? 63. What game do you play often? I'm not that social. 64. Who are you missing right now? I don't think there is anyone I'm missing. 65. If you have to choose between friend and love,who will you choose? Definetely my friends. Ignore the statement of 'friends come and go but love will last forever'. Yes, love does. Love among friends. ^.^ 66. What are you doing right now? Typing. Doing this tag. Listening to KAT-TUN over and over again. 67. Which primary school are you from? Sekolah Rendah Sri Kuala Lumpur. 68. Name 3 colours that you like. Black. Red. Pink. 69. What emotion you like to show? Happy. It's always there. 70. What is your life to you? Something to be appreciated. 71. If you have something troubling you,what will you do? Try to solve it before taking it to someone I trust(suelynn)as a last resort. 72 Who did you last chat in msn today? Darius. ahahaha. 73. Who do you admire most? Noone. 74. Which month are you born in? May baby! 75. How are you feeling right now? Sleepy and alert at the same time. 76. What time now? 11.46PM 77. What kind of person do you think the one who tagged you is? I'm not close but what I can tell with my non-existant skills of deduction, he's an awesomely good guy. Sweettoo. hilarious at moments(though that's only in my pov). idk what else...sorry, darius. 78. What colour did you use to dye hair? I haven't tried dye-ing my hair yet. 79. Why are you doing this test? Test or tag? 80. What do you do when you're moody? Pianoplaying and keep very,very,very quiet and refuse to speak. 81. At which age you wish to get married? 26/27. 82. Who is more important to you? Ican'tsayrightnow. 83. If today is the last day of your life,what will you do? Buy a ticket to Japan and then die under a sakura tree. 84. Who is the person you trust the most? I trust quite many but I would have to say Sue Lynn. She knows almost all my family stuff. 85. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain? I don't believe. I know it's true. It's science, silly. 86. If you have a dream come true,what would it be? Publish my first book at the end of this year and be adopted as either Kame/Akanishi's sister. 87. What is your goal for this year? 7A's(duh) and a published book. 88. Do you believe in eternity love? Noideaatm. 89. What feeling do you love most? Extreme happiness. 90. Do you really think it's global warming now? Yes and I'm doing everything I can to lessen it but my family's not cooperating. They refuse to do EarthHour. T.T 91. What feeling do you hate the most? Being insulted to a very emotional level. 92. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours? veerymuch. But most I've known take advantage of my loyalty. 93. Do you believe in God? Notrightnow.Most people will hate me for saying this but well, I don't believe. Not till something is proved. Atheist. 94. Who cares for you most? My famfam and I guess my sayangs. Do you, sayangs? 95. What do you think is the most important thing in you life? the love of someone who cares for you in the most intimate way. (ntalover, btw) 96. What will you bring when you fight? my wrath. ahahahaha. 97. What have you done regretted doing in your whole life? Being with 'him' for six months. 98. What would you feel if no one no longer cares for you? Depression. 99. What if your boyfriend/girlfriend two-timed you? eternal hatred and resentment. 100. How do you feel now? Sleepy and happy. I tagged : Most people are lazy to do tags and since sm's blog is poof, I don't know who else to tag.
a blog's a place of privacy; not a place to crack down on student hating teachers
Friday, March 6, 2009 @ 12:43 AM
Since Ginny always covers my posts, for once, I'm going to cover hers. Firstly, darls, know that I sayang you and don't give a shit about what those damn school freaks say. It's our right to say what we want and they have no reason to give you counselling just because they didn't like what they saw on your blog. Don't let them manipulate you into thinking that you were wrong for saying those things and generally let them manipulate you into thinking that there is something wrong with you and that you shouldn't say those things no matter what the situation. You should just be humble and quietly be good. Yeah, fine. In front of them school jacks, you obviously shut up and show some respect but whatever that is not said to their faces is none of their concern. Oh yes, if anyone who read whatever is here bothers to print it out and show to anyone of those goddamned teachers, I will go on a rampage and find out who did that to me and why would you bother...Fair warning, I will do it. You want to read my blog, fine. But whatever in my blog remains here. Firstly, if any teachers bother to read this blog... Why would you care about whatever we say here when it isn't said to your face. You should know that students do not like you so do not expect to have posts full of praise. Blogs are a place for us to release our anger and our emotions. It is not a place for teachers to hunt down those who merely are angry and expressing our emotions to try to humble them into apologizing. That is an act of manipulation and can lead to a great many unpleasant things. Secondly, again to teachers. Why are you so nosy till you have to nose into our blogs where our privacy lays and then drag us for counselling just because of a few words here that you do not seem fit to be put to your name. Hmmm? Is it because you are afraid that the world will see what a terrible teacher you are and how you treat your students? Is it because you feel ashamed of the things that you have done and are angry at the student for writing out those things and you can't own up to whatever you have done which made the student angry? Is it because you don't like us? I would very much like to print out this post and toss it around school. This will teach the teachers a lesson to respect privacy. Whatever Ginny wrote on her blog wasn't meant for teachers to read and if they do, that is up to them to read it. No one is forcing them to read and if you do, then shut the fuck up about it. There's no need to make students cry and manipulate them. That is a sick and cruel thing to do. Blogs are like online diaries with less private secrets. Why are all teachers nosy? Even back in Sri KL, the teachers have done the same thing. Crack down on those blogs that write mean things about them and then punish the student and question them on why they wrote those things. Blogs have nothing to do with school and therefore can be written with whatever is wished and there is no need for the teacher to call out the student and have him/her punished for expressing their emotions. Students are always told to express themselves. In what way do you want them to express themselves? No student can express themselves through their school work. Not even essays or compositions. We as teenagers find other alternatives to express ourselves where someone can see it. Diaries have grown out and blogs are another form of diaries. Again to teachers. Can you not understand why the students do it? If you are in the students shoes, admit it. You would have done the same thing. Don't say that you would never have done such a thing. Think back to the times when you were studying in school and teachers angered you. Wouldn't you have gone home and written it down in your diary or complained about the situation to someone? It is the same situation here. Just because you are adults, doesn't mean that we will think like you...Face the facts. There have been many points in your adult life that you have felt exactly like Ginny had and you had ranted and screamed and cried obscenities that would have deafened the world. You might not use the more modern words of 'fuck' or 'bitchy' but you would have used 'bullshit', 'crap', 'goddamned', 'shit'. No one in this world is perfect and free from emotions. Those teachers that Ginny and I have ranted about on our blog would have felt these emotions throughout their lives. In fact, they might have just had these emotions very recently. Maybe even an hour ago. Five seconds ago. Teachers, do not think that just because we say those things about you in ONE post means we do not have respect for you. You do not inspire us to give respect to you. If you want respect, then you earn it. It's a very simple situation. You want something, earn it... Like the discipline teachers. Just because you are a discipline teacher, doesn't mean you have to be shouty and screamy and always cranky just because we aren't in excellent discipline. There are some cases where students are just stubborn. As a prefect, I have learnt how to deal with these people. They cannot be forced into anything. Using the bugging voice or an angry tone on them will just make them more resistant. It is the same with teachers. You do not need to raise your voice to reprimand or scold us. Raising your voice will only add to our annoyance and our resistance. Speak nicely and gently and we will gladly comply. It is a psychological theory. People in general like to be told things nicely and according to the psychological theory, we are more likely to do something when told nicely and show no resistance. If teachers were like that, there wouldn't be students resisting and fighting back. Take those nice teachers in school for example, students love them in general and wouldn't mind taking their problems to them. The scary teachers and scold-y teachers on the other hand, well, let's say we'll avoid them like the plague. Lynxoxo
someone gave a special something to a special someone; what?
@ 12:11 AM
Title makes no sense, btw. When I first thought of it in school, it sounded way better but I don't remember the original. ehehehehehe. I like confusing people. Short post. Nothing elaborate. No special topics. Just crapp... Let's start off with the short words: Exams Shit Die Fail Wth? Now on to more detailed stuff. First day of exams today. Seniors had exams yesterday. Thank God we're later but junior are even later. Next week Tuesday and for only three days. *sigh* I wish I was a junior again. Makes the world so much easier. It was Maths, BM and Moral today. Non studying subjects unless you count memorising formulas and nilas and reading the dictionary as studying. O.o So, I haven't started studying. Going to cram last minute for Sejarah, Geo and KH. The rest are relatively easy. So BM: It wasn't difficult. It wasn't very easy either. It was fairly fine. I managed to tembak about more than half the paper and I tembak-ed no. 2 correctly. Btw, it's B. ranum... Moral: Ahahahahahaha. En. Mugu got something wrong in his head. He told us Bahagian A was going to be difficult and Bahagian B was going to be uber easy. Instead, it's terbalik. A was kinda easy but B was goddamned confusing. Overall, okeh! Maths: As a devoted Mathematic-ian, I'm sad to say that I've lost touch with my inner math genius. *ahemaheam* I could barely finish the paper without getting a headache and I tembak buta 4 questions. It could also be due to the fact that Pn. Belinda started the exam late and didn't give us extra time. aaah, well. What to do? Refer to above post for a very extra special issue with us teenagers and teachers in our school. Lynxoxo
swimming in chocolate; smexy kamenashi kazuya in dreams
Monday, March 2, 2009 @ 3:56 AM
swimming in chocolate? It's something random that just struck me as sexually arousing especially with thoughts of Kamenashi Kazuya. wth? That's like nosebleed worthy.
All hail Kame All hail Kame All hail Kame. ahahahahahaha. Going crazy. First Hey! Say! JUMP, now KAT-TUN. OH yeah! Sigh. I've been meaning to ask Mdm. Yong if non-cultural performances are allowed for NOSE High School visit since I want so badly to do the medley. All performances I've seen for the visit are all cultural...T.T Sweet Mae! Ask for me! I scared to see that woman's face. Damn creepy. Okay, nvm, Hana asked and she said next year. ahahahaha! Anyone wants to join, tell me. Lyn xoxo