Yours truly. 17. Female. Malaysian. Petite. 27th MAY. Single. Maybe available *hinthint*
NEWS is her only drug. Absolutely, magically in love with BEAST. Hey! Say! JUMP. SHINee. Super Junior. In that order.
Assuntarian. A Harry Potter Twitter Role-Player. Compulsive writer. Lusting for a glance in her direction.
Sings like the world is deaf. As genuine as you can get. A self-proclaimed narcissist. Enjoys not having the other half
Love me? Hate me? I'll still be me. Enjoy. Lyn|Avery
Books Pave the Way to Destruction Yet to A Beauty Beyond Imaginations
286 posts from 5 June 2011
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• A degree in English
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• A pet. Definetely
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• A red and black checkered scarf
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• A laptop or something similar
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Nakajima Yuuto.
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Twilight Movie...
Monday, August 25, 2008 @ 7:34 AM
Okay, to all Twilight fans who haven't seen the Twilight trailers, I've posted two of them up there. They're considered as teaser trailers actually since they seem to show off so much of the movie. The person/people who made it have/has NO creativity. They're supposed to hide as much of the movie as possible yet they've shown so much of it. With all the videos posted on YouTube, the movie's not going to be quite a surprise. I have to admit, after a while of watching the trailers and interviews and all that, I kinda got addicted. I wanted to kick Kristen Stewart in the head the whole time. She looks so un-Bella that I want to be sick when I see her face with Robert Pattinson. He's not so Edward-ish but he's okay. It's Bella that I don't like.
Maybe I'm just jealous.
I think I am.
Half the cast are terrible looking.
Rosalie doesn't look at all the the goddess she is. In fact, she looks boring. She doesn't even look bitchy.
Emmett's pretty okay. (He's the guy from the Hilary Duff 'With Love' video. Hott, ain't he?)
Alice pretty much sucks. She looks nothing like how she does in the book. In fact, she looks like crap. She speaks with this annoying bitchy voice and isn't at all her hyper self. Jasper is SHIT! He looks like this hippy dude that has never seen a comb. He looks nothing like the guy with the bad past that Stephenie Meyer described.
Carlisle looks like a gangster-ish guy. He's hot. I have to admit but he looks nothing like a respectable doctor. He looks like a guy who would pull a gun out of his waistband at any moment. Esme looks...okay. Not much to complain on though.
Edward is nothing like what I imagined it to be. In fact, there are so many other Edward like people out there. For instance, Gaspard Ulliel.
 Now that is one dreamy Edward.
Not that Robert Pattinson isn't drop dead gorgeous. In fact, he is but as most Twilight fans would agree, he is NOT Edward material and never will be. Secondly, they make his voice so rough. It sounds nothing like music. I'm sure that all the vampires voices sound nothing like music. Thirdly, they are all NOT PALE. Contradicting the vampire fact. Hello?! Vampires?! Pale-ness???!!! Bella...Now, she is totally un-Bella like. Once more as all Twilight fans would agree, she is boring and not at all how everyone has imagined Bella. She just DOESN'T have the BELLA look. Try Emily Browning, now she's perfect Bella even though it goes against Stephenie Meyer that Bella isn't beautiful but Bella's intriguing. She has that superly intriguing look that Kristen Stewart doesn't possess. She is just BORING!
 Definetely Bella material. Emily Browning.
I finally finished complaining...though I've still got a lot more things to say. Hope the movie turns out good. I'll be imagining myself as Bella the whole time since there are pretty romantic scenes and awesome scenes. The scenes are amazing but that's something else compared to the actors. DezzieLyn May God Bless You
Labels: Twilight
She Kicks The Poser Bitch Who Made Her Cry
Saturday, August 23, 2008 @ 7:22 AM
This is a short post...ranting about a certain someone(s) who made me cry. Firstly, let's call her A. She actually has done nothing to me but because of her...I cried...I hate people who make me cry. I have never even f-ing met her but well, most people call her a 'LALA' which is pretty much true. A poser: to me. POSER BITCH! I really shouldn't be ranting about her...she's done nothing to me but because of her...I cried...Haha...I'm being a bit stupid doing this but my Diary doesn't like to listen to me scream at a random person who's not worth her time.
You know what? Ditch this post and I'll rant about shopping which is a more boring topic but a less sensitive topic to most...
Went shopping yesterday at OU with Shu Han and Sue Lynn. The three of us wasn't exactly shopping...it was more like window shopping. Lol...Looking at dresses and hoping the most gorgeous ones would etch themselves into our mind so that we may slightly alter the design and use it for our manga competition entry. Lol...We've got less than 6 months to design and colour it in with Photoshop. Crazy, right?
It's supposed to be a one person project but we took the oppurtunity to do it three person thing. It's my story. You guys can read it on my STORIES BLOG...InspiredByGossipGirl. The other one isn't up yet. It's taking me pretty long to write. I keep procrastinating each time I see my black book.
Argh! I keep abandoning my posts. Currently no mood to blog. Excuse the unfinished post. Blogging about shopping without pics is super boring. I need to cam...T.T
Thursday, August 21, 2008 @ 4:52 AM
This is the second part of my dream after I used the bathroom. Read the other one first...or this one on it's own. It doesn't matter. It's not connected...I weaved in a little imagination of my own so it's technically not a full dream...I'll note where it is and where it's not. FAIR WARNINGS! This is perverted...Like me :) It begins in a random place. I'm not exactly sure of my surroundings....CUT! HALT! TOMARE! Oh wait...I just figured something out...I'm going to post this in my STORIES BLOG where all my short stories belong...Please read it. www.dezzie-piecesofmypassion.blogspot.comLabels: dreams
OnCloud9...InDreamiLand (1)
@ 4:29 AM
This post is going to be pretty weird...so don't mind me...Feel free to laugh at me but they are dreams. The first one was rather silly and short. But it's CUTE. It starts off back in PRIMARY SCHOOL (those close to me will know where...:P). Why am I there or what am I even doing there? I have no idea. I just know that I was there, walking past the primary canteen. Suddenly LL grabbed my wrist and dragged me off to the carpark which is directly in front of the canteen. Surprisingly, it didn't look at all like him but I knew that it was him. That's what happens in dreams, I guess. :P So, he insists that I walk with him. Around the carpark? Why? I will never know but I was not going to turn down an offer from a guy I used to crush on who was now superly hot and sexy. He asked me why I didn't go back for the event of the year 2008? I said I did and then, the next thing I knew...I was holding his hand. Stupid right? HarHar. lol. As we neared the school gates, I was no longer holding LL's hand but B's hand...Another guy whom I never liked but suddenly appeared in my head. Most probably because I was reading his brother's blog last night. Lol. Before anything could happen, the dream ended with a poof and I woke to use the bathroom. Sad, right? Labels: dreams
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 @ 7:39 AM
Wonderfully, I had my dreaded piano exam today...Surprise! Surprise! Btw, thanks to all those who wished me good luck...I needed it desperately but in the end, no luck could help me through the friggin exam. Went to the hotel at like 8 in the morning. Exam was supposed to start at 9 but had to come by 8.30 so we went early. Waited for more than a stupid hour but surprisingly, they were like super on time. They called my sister first at exactly 9. (she's grade 3...I'm an embarassing Grade 4) At like around like 9.15-9.20 they called me and I sat outside the stupid room, freezing my ass off and trying to remember my scales. Okay! CONFESSION! I have no memorised my scales. I've memorised only: a) half my major scales... b)1 or 2 of my minor(harmonic) scales c)the easy ones in contrarary (B major and D flat Maj or Min...forgot) d) Chromatic (no memorising needed...only fingering) e) My first 3 major arpeggios (The rest I remember roughly...Some I totally forgot) f) Broken Chords (I forgot G Minor Pattern 2 halfway)
Arrgh! Can you even imagine my frustration as I sat outside there? I usually would be super confident when I go for a piano exam...but this time around, I knew I was going to fail. I hadn't memorised my scales at all...my aural test (I don't know much) and my pieces were terrible.
After my sister came out, I went in with my stupid high heels making the annoying clacking sound on the wooden floor. My first impression of the examiner: MAD SCIENTIST! He looked hilarious. Not revealing his name though. After I kena scolded for saying bad stuff about the ABRSM people. The only thing I liked about this British people is their accents. It's absolutely sexy. Even if it is an old guy. HEY! Not saying I like my examiner okay...it's gross. He's old and i'm 4Teen. Bite me...! I started off with my scales as I always do. Helps me gain confidence though today I think I should have started with pieces. Oh! Wait...I think it was a good thing that I started off with scales. If not I would have forgotten all of them. Btw, the stupid piano keys were like so soft that I had a hard time playing it. Last year was the same and it didn't produce the same sound so I was a bit lost. T.T Started off with major scales. B Major...Thankfully and one more which I forgot. Then moved on to minor scales. Argh! The first one he asked me was C Minor which was okay though my response was slow. The second was G Minor and I TOTALLY DIDN'T KNOW IT! Crap! I was like WTF? How can I not know this? I was only memorising this minutes before. EEP! I terpaksa sit there and think and when I couldn't figure out I had to tell the examiner that I didn't know and he changed it into a F Minor for me which I screwed also. Moved on to contrarary! Thank the heavens and my lucky stars that he chose my good ones which I also screwed by not playing it legato as I was so shaky that I couldn't think straight. (B Major and D flat Minor)...I think. Chromatic: I totally skipped out on fingering and just played it as it is. Like the examiner is going to even bother about fingering. It wasn't very legato but I didn't miss any notes. Arpeggios was the worst. I screwed a few. I was so freaked out that I don't even remember which ones I played. Then...last but not least, broken chords. I was okay with my B flat Major Pattern 1 right hand but my G Minor Pattern 2 left hand...I didn't know the starting notes and I kept repeating it over and over again till I got the right notes before I played. That was horrible. My broken chords were like the best part of my scales yet I screwed up. Stupid arpeggios. If I wasn't so shaky, my mind would have been thinking straight and I wouldn't have screwed. After that, went on to pieces. The first piece wasn't so bad though I did press the wrong keys once or twice and my trills were TERRIBLE! I skipped like three notes of it but I kept on playing. Second piece!!! I didn't even give an effin damn about my timing. I just played as I normally did with a faster tempo though. The shortest piece in the whole book. I think I screwed the wavy line part and the part after that. I wasn't fast enough. I didn't practise this piece much so yeah...you get the idea. The pedal also was damn cacated. New piano some more and I was wearing pumps so lagilah cannot press! Next year...if there is a next year, I'm wearing my beloved Converse. Third piece! Was also pretty bad. It was my best piece until came the super fast part which I screwed by repeating though it wasn't so bad and the part that was after the super fast part. I screwed that too! I'm am guarenteed to fail. T.T Pray for me. Aural test was pretty okay. My teacher said that the examiner would play it twice but he only played it once so I was pretty lost at the singing part and the clapping part and also the questions part but I got through the aural test without much difficulty unless you count sight singing which I am terrible at. Thank god the NICE examiner gave me a C Major piece which included no sharps or flats AT ALL as all musicians would know. The sight reading wasn't so bad though I accidentally played a tie note by accident as I was given only 30 seconds to prepare and by the time I had got thorough the first set of bars, he said that I could begin. CRAZY! So I just played randomly, not counting though...but it was a 3 timing so it was okay since I was used to it already. My teacher trained the 3 timing into me so I love 3 timing. Plus, it's the waltz beat. Hehe.
Finally, THE END I think practically throughout the whole exam, I didn't count at all so I'd probably get zero for my counting. Lol. Wish me luck guys...I need it. DezzieLyn Good day to all of you and May God bless you. Muaxx...
BreakingDawn! MyOwnReview
Sunday, August 17, 2008 @ 1:10 AM
Feels good to be blogging again. Lol. I'm too lazy to actually blog a lot. On to today's subject: the long awaited Breaking Dawn. My first opinion was that the book was heavenly (before I read it, that it) since I had waited more than a year for it. Surprisingly, it was pretty cheap at RM50.00...seeing as it was a world-wide phenomenon. To those who haven't read the book, please do not read this post as it may contain a few spoilers, though not in detail. Once more, Stephenie Meyer writes beautifully with much elaboration and detail that manages to capture the reader's emotions. Unlike your usual vampire story, her's is laced with a romance that is different from the rest and is very unpredictable. Though it was awesome, there were a few things that captured my attention and I didn't like. Once more: WARNING! Spoilers Ahead for those who haven't read the book! Firstly, the book was pretty inappropriate for young kids who's minds haven't yet matured. The first part of the book was all about the wedding and honeymoon where a lot of sexual activity occured. Let's say that a twelve year old kid were to read the book. What would she/he think? Is it appropriate to be having sex and marrying at 18 even if it was for love? And then, our Bella gets preggers. Another thing. Even though she's married, it's still is inapproriate to get preggers at 18 when you have a bright future ahead. Secondly, the second part of the book which is written in Jacob's P.O.V. is pretty sadistic and shows Rosalie's evil yet motherly side. Stephenie Meyer portrayed Rosalie in a dark way, showing that she cared more for the baby inside Bella rather than Bella herself. The baby with it's super-fast growing rate can kill Bella and that was what Rosalie was counting on so that she could have the little child for her own. It was a pretty harsh part as Rosalie affects the reader with her nature, caring for Bella only because she wanted the baby. The atmosphere lightens up with Jacob enlightening the grim situation with blonde jokes directed to Rosalie. Also in this section, Jacob leaves the pack as they have decided to kill Bella and the baby to protect La Push and Forks from what they assume is a vampire monstrosity. Decending from an Alpha, he unwillingly forms his own pack after both Seth and Leah join him. Seth joined him because the Cullens were like family to him and Leah because she wanted to look after her brother and get away from Sam. The unreturned love between Jacob and Bella really touches the readers' heart and makes them feel pity for Jacob eventhough you are an Ella shipper. It hurt me to see Jacob suffer for someone who would never return his love in the way he wanted it to. The rest of the story was pretty much okay and didn't receive any negative complaints from my brain. Lol Though I did not support Jacob imprinting on Renesmee at first but after a while, it seemed that their relationship was a beautiful alliance between vampire and shapeshifter. One could actually see how attached the halfie was to the shapeshifter and vice versa though once in a while, it could get pretty annoying, seeing as Jacob was much older than Renesmee though the child was super-mature in thinking and she grows super fast.
Well, I'm not going to supply anymore spoilers. I just wanted to vent my anger and unsatisfaction at parts of the book. Teehee. Tata for now.
Happy Holidays and Good day. May Gold bless all of you.
Muaxx. DesireeLyn