Yours truly. 17. Female. Malaysian. Petite. 27th MAY. Single. Maybe available *hinthint*
NEWS is her only drug. Absolutely, magically in love with BEAST. Hey! Say! JUMP. SHINee. Super Junior. In that order.
Assuntarian. A Harry Potter Twitter Role-Player. Compulsive writer. Lusting for a glance in her direction.
Sings like the world is deaf. As genuine as you can get. A self-proclaimed narcissist. Enjoys not having the other half
Love me? Hate me? I'll still be me. Enjoy. Lyn|Avery
Books Pave the Way to Destruction Yet to A Beauty Beyond Imaginations
286 posts from 5 June 2011
Escaping the conforms of society
To stupefy the endless expanse of the universe
Advancing into a world unknown
Please don't RIP Ask permission.
Discover where else she speaks her mind
Twitter: @theivorykeys
Facebook: Shern Lyn Khuan
Email: Contact either TorFB for details. (;
• To be any JE member's adopted sister
• My first book published
• To meet NewS
• To meet Hey!Say!JUMP
• To meet Super Junior
• To meet SHINee
• To get signed to SM Entertainment
• A degree in English
• Black skinnies (:
• White skinnies (:
• A pet. Definetely
• Japanese boy uniform
• To perform a JE song medley
• To perform in Tokyo Dome and get signed to JE
• Another trip to Japan
• Permanent Japanese residence
• A yukata
• A red and black checkered scarf
• To cosplay
• My first perfect Japanese bento lunch
• A Japanese dictionary
• Understand and speak fluent Japanese
• Understand and speak fluent Korean
• National status as a writer
• A laptop or something similar
Will be updated when fancy strikes
MY BRATs TEAM. Alor Star 2011
NewS (Lots of love).
Hey! Say! JUMP.
Masuda Takahisa.
Kato Shigeaki.
Yamashita Tomohisa
Super Junior.
Nakajima Yuuto.
Window shopping.
Tegoshi Yuya.
Twilight and Dusk.
Kim Jong-Woon
Koyama Keiichiro.
Winter jackets.
Nishikido Ryo.
Unofficial HSJ Malaysia LJ
amandang/doldol |
amylim |
annatan |
ashleykhor |
ben-jielim |
chuachiyan |
cynthiaong |
dariusbehyunji<3 |
eelainetan |
eeleng |
euniceho |
huichee |
honpaige |
horsegirl15 |
jadeyeap<3 |
kin-chan<3 |
lydiaong |
marcusheng |
miki-chan<3 |
nicolefong |
nicolemarcus |
previta |
A few words would be nice. :D
By post:
feeling helpless
being strong
Hatred Is Not Only A Feeling
To Shed Or Not To Shed
Can It Be Called Love?
When You Fall, Fall With Grace
Is It Called Self Abuse?
The Words of a Man in Love
Of Headaches and Departures
By month:
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
October 2011
Sunday, June 29, 2008 @ 2:51 AM
I guess I'm a little late on the posting about stated title because I was complaining I was tired and my dad insisted I go to bed and he even threathened to switch the computer off if I didn't. So...you can imagine how pissed I was that I didn't get to blog about it. Okaaaaaaay! About Ceriathon. I didn't get to go around and buy stuff and see HAWT! guys but I had ultimate fun. 2A1 did HantuHouse and we rocked harder than the seniors (In my opinion. XD lol) The guys who entered were mostly Indians and Malays and they were friggin f**ked up. They weren't even scared and they were a**holes. One even flicked a lighter in Manissha's face. The guys were pretending to be brave but actually, I guess they were quite scared. There was this one guy who was quite good-looking but was such a guy. He was with two senior (F3) girls who were hiding behind him. The whole group of around 8 people had moved forward but he was stuck behind near the entrance not even daring to go round the first corner where Diyanah was posted. I laughed like nobody's business and had to push him forward. For the first hour, we kept on taking short breaks because of our sound system, decorations which were destroyed by the customers and also because we were tired. I wasn't a ghost but I was a guide. I had to lead the people into the place because they were too frightened to even move forward. Sweet Mae and I had to push and pull the people because they were so scared. For our first batch, one even cried when she got outside. Then, I took over Clare's place when she got tired, hence the lipstick I was wearing though the eyeliner was part of my syok-sendiri-ness. When I got bored and tired, I went outside to check out the guys who were in the superly-long line of ours. They were playing SoljaBoy at that time and Dhiv and I we syok-sendiri, dancing to it. I can't believe my pants kept on dropping so I had to pull it up multiple times. Most of us were pissed off with the seniors just because they had a longer line. I think most people doubted that us juniors could do a good job with a HantuHouse. It's because HantuHouses have been done only by seniors throughout the years. 2A1 2008 has broke that tradition so people think that we may suck. Well, we showed them that juniors can do an awesome job. Not that I'm critisising the seniors. It was quite funny being inside the place. While the customers screamed, we laughed till we could laugh no more. I didn't go out of the hauntedhouse much so there's nothing I can actually write here, like what hott guys I saw and what kind of things I bought. Hell, I only went out to buy water. Even food had to be bought by the people not invovled inside the hauntedhouse. Still, it was a blast for us. It was the first time I actually enjoyed CeriaThon. By the way, ShuShu, if you're reading this. No matter what you say, Ken is hott. He's the only hott guy I've seen...but I didn't even talk to him. I wish I had wore a skirt instead of my favourite black pants which is the sexiest pair I own. I took the breaks for a few pics which is quite little. There are a few that were taken after CeriaThon. As I said, I wasn't out much to be able to take pics. So...here they are:

MyFavouritePicTitled: TheSexiestNerdAlive ShuHan'sHandInBunnyFingersAtTheBack Lol XD

SweetMae and Me Inside HantuHouse 
ShuHan, Me, SueLynn The lock of fringe on my face is accidental. I didn't put it there on purpose. 
Manissha, Me With our make-up still on

Adib, Me After Ceriathon still inside the HantuHouse

Me, Shob After Ceriathon inside HantuHouse

Me, Eva With make-up still on after Ceriathon

ShuShu, Me At long bench, after Ceriathon I <3> 
Me, ShuShu I hate my hair in this but she loves hers I like the other pic better
 Me, Dana ThePerkiestBitchYou'llEverFind ILoveYouDear That's The End You know you love me, Dezzie-Lyn IHeart'sU Labels: Ceriathon
Sunday, June 22, 2008 @ 2:47 AM
I'm seriously out of titles to put so I left it as untitled. XD My week was absolutely normal so there's nothing to blog about but I haven't blogged in so long so I decided to. Starting with today. Sunday! Erm...my mom was out for facial and massage so my sibs and I went out fishing with our dad though I'm not much of a fishing person but I enjoy anything to do with water since I'm superly attuned with water. Blame it on three years of swimming training though I don't go for training anymore. T.T No time. We went to Glenmarie Cove. Our superly awesome holiday house though because of feng shui crap, we're not allowed to renovate or even do anything to the house so it looks so sesat-ed among all the other gorgeous renovated houses. Btw, the housing area has no fences or gates so it's like really American styled. Okay, anyway. We didn't catch much. Two fishes, not counting a small puffer fish my bro wanted to catch and he did. I almost cried 'cause the fishy was so small. I decided to kick it back into the river but my sibs wanted to play with the fish so they scolded me and I almost cried. Lol. While typing this I still feel like I'm bobbing up and down on the jetty since I was sitting down on the jetty and the waves were pretty choppy. I'm getting nauseous and dizzy by staring at the computer screen. After we finished catching TWO fish, we washed up and go makan McD at Kota Kemuning which is like a few minutes drive from Glenmarie. That's basically my day.
P.S. Read my story blog which is practically full of my stories though there is only my inaugural story there currently. LolXD
xoxo, Dezzie
Saturday, June 7, 2008 @ 8:17 PM
I can't believe that I couldn't get into the Roxy Summer Splash. I went there at like 1 pm, courtesy to my mother who didn't think that going early was a good idea. I was in the friggin huge and friggin long line waiting for more than two hours, squished so hard that I could hardly breathe. I gave up waiting at 4 pm and then went shopping and makan at J.CO... Then went to Roxy cause they got a view of the Sunway Surf Beach and then was like looking at why the line was so stupidly long. There wasn't even any problem actually. It's just that they don't want people to go through the main gate of Lagoon and then make people go through the small entrance with one escalator going up and then the other going down. Then the going down one to go to Surf Beach is so itsy bitsy that only like two people can go down at once. I don't even know why they take so long to check the tickets. Obviously everyone has valid tickets. At first I thought that there was no more space in the Surf Beach but then there was so much space and nobody was even paying attention at the stage. Wasted so much time there. My mom said that she wanted to go to Port Dickson but then because I wanted to go for this, she didn't. She only told me while we were squished in the stupidly long line. Worse, outside, the queue was so terribly squishy that I could hard breathe. I was stuck between idiots who were like smoking and drinking and all that. I could smell the beer and on their breathe but the good thing was that I was stuck next to a hot guy who was like so much taller than me but he was HAWT! T.T So sad that I didn't get to go in. I wonder what it was like and who won the Cover Girl search.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008 @ 8:33 AM
It's been long since I've ranted about primary school. :P Okay, no one from Assunta knows about my primary school shit. Sorry, darlings. Well, let's all know now.
I've been hating this woman by the name of LeeXuehQi for like two years and I kinda dislike her now. Why?
In STD 6, she began the whole thing by ruining our friendship. It was hard because we were a threesome: Janette, XuehQi and I. Then, there was WeiYing. XuehQi hated WeiYing from the start because she was always hanging out with us and she didn't like it.
After she ruined the friendship, she started to get close to WeiYing. WeiYing used to be one of my closest friends until she started to get to XuehQi. From then on she was a bitch and I hated both of them. Up till now, I thought Janette was a good friend until I realised something. On her birthday:
Me: OMG! I didn't wish Janette Happy Birthday! Mom: Why should you care? She didn't wish you also.
Then only did I realise that a good friend would have wished Happy Birthday no matter what. I'm not even her best friend and I actually cared about wishing her. Worst still is WeiYing. That was the worst part. Now, she's so bimbo! Even carrying handbags. She was never the type to carry handbags, worse, be bimbo! I was always the bimbotic one. She wasn't even a friggin camwhore until she met HER! Shows how much you can change with just one person, eh? I would love to camwhore with both Janette and WeiYing but realising what kind of friends they are after reading XuehQi's blog, I think I'll cam with everyone but them! =] Hey! Finding pakat to go back to Sri KL with me! Anyone is invited! It's for a Charity Fiesta on the 12 July. Anyone not involved with Jubilee, come with me!
Labels: Bitches
Tagged By Sweet Mae
@ 6:53 AM
1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be? I'll be heart-broken, angry and then happy because who needs a lover who betrays you?
2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be? To be content because in life, you're never content :)
3. What will your dream wedding be like? Something unique yet simple at the same time. Something very, very original. Cheryl, if you are reading this. You're hired for the band.
4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you? Nope. Why should I be? Live life as it is! :]
5. What's your ideal lover like? Someone who actually cares for me. Someone who wouldn't lie. Someone who knows how to please a woman >.o A romantic, poet and musician. Isn't clingy. But, who's to say? I'll know my ideal lover when I truly fall in love.
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone? Both. If you love someone but he doesn't love you back, waste of time. If someone loves you but you don't love him, stupid. So...both ways is better. ...=]
7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love? I don't intend to wait for someone. Sounds like Cinderella. Bleugh. That person should wait for me.
8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do? Forget about him and move on. It would just hurt my feelings and ruin his relationship.
9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days? Not really. Unless you count the upcoming exam results, I'm already unhappy. Lol. :)
10. Is being tagged fun? What's so fun about typing out words? I don't find anything fun about it yet I enjoy doing it. Lol...
11. How do you see yourself in ten years time? SUCCESSFUL! And with the guy of my dreams but not married..Hehe :]
12. Who are currently the most important people to you? My closest buddies and my brother (He's the sweetest)
13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is? Who Am I To Judge Her?! Be her friend to find out...Hehe Lol XD
14. Would you rather be single & rich or married but poor? Definetely single and rich. Hands down. No explaination about it.
15. What's the first thing you do every morning? Go back to sleep.
16. Would you give all in a relationship? Depends if I REALLY love that guy or not...DUH!
17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick? The one who understands me the most. The best friend type. X]
18. What type of friends do you like? People who go crazy with me...Actually anyone for that matter.
19. What type of friends do you dislike? People who are uptight and too serious. Erm...the list ends there.
20. Tag three people. - Win/Cheryl - Bue - DunnoWhoToTag
@ 4:58 AM
Thank you Rifdi...It's really quiet and a boring post since I don't think their's much to blog about today. It's just an empty boring day. So, I used my bro's GameBoy (My mom won't get him a PSP till he gets good results and I'm not up for having a PSP since he will hound me to use it. End of story). Played POTC until my fingers like all painful. Still haven't finished the game. -.-' Not sure if I want to go Roxy Summer Splash or not...Weird right. I want to go but I don't want to go. Curse you, mind. Make up your mind. I wonder if we'll get a new cheer captain in time for the Arobikthon(sp?) It's in June, I guess and if we don't begin practice now, it's going to be a very bad performance like the previous one. Labels: Cheerleading
SorryRifdi! Forgive me?
Sunday, June 1, 2008 @ 9:15 AM
Firstly, sorry Rifdi...I know you're totally mad at me. I know I was playing with you. I gave you the truth, hope you except it and let's continue to be friends. It's a puppy crush and I'll get over it soon enough. I admit...I'm "loving romantically" and "loving friendly". It's weird, I know. Ever since I found out you loved to write, I fell in love but at the same time I didn't want it to happen as I knew you had a girlfriend and I didn't want to get hurt again. I think the friend part rules the romantic part since I don't want to be in a relationship just yet.
[This is embarassing...Apologizing on the blog]
@ 7:19 AM
*Cries* Mommy didn't wake up early today so I couldn't go KLCC. She say got jam because so late. Crap! She woke up at 12...Stupid right! I woke up like two hours earlier. She herself don't want to wake up then she goes and blames me for not waking up. So annoying! Spent like 3 minutes crying since it was too late to pakat with anyone to go KL.
Spent the day at the weekend home in Glenmarie Cove. Empty there. No furniture. Lol. Sat at the riverside and practised my toe-touches since I suck at toe-touches and hurkeys. I know so cheerleader of me, right? What can I say? Cheerleaders rock the house...and the floor.
Daddy bought crabs from some old Indian lady by the roadside. Boiled them with salt. Tasted awesome. Exactly like what I ate in Aussie four years back! (Officially 4teen and loving it!) Okay...that was a random subject...
Going to Roxy Summer Splash on 7th June. Woot! Don't know why I wanted to go so much...I get two free entries but I think must pay to enter the Surf Beach O.o Weird, eh? Not sure if the second entry is filled yet. My sis/mom (<<<>
On a freakish writing hiatus after the competition that day. I can't believed I crapped like the whole story. I was given two titles: A Savage Place! and Rare Device. I obviously chose the first title seeing that it's the one that gives me a more creative outlook. So...I totally lost the creative streak once I began writing. The girl next to me had French words in her draft and I began freaking out. So I wrote about the city/world is a savage place with all the damage it is posing to nature and all the cruel things a city does to nature and the atmosphere: green house effect, global warming, hunting of endangered animals, deforestation, the thinning of the ozone layer. Started off the short story with a cute little story of running away to the jungle to live. I feel really dumb about writing it right now but I'm pretty happy with it.
CURRENTLY Reading: Nothing...Again ListeningTo: Nothing...NeedToFocusOnWriting CelebrityCrush: CAPRICE! LoveHimSoMuch <> NickJonas <> SkandarKeynes Feeling: Sleepy [ButBlogging]
SigningOff DesirEe`Lyn xoxo...MuaxxMuaxx
Labels: Cheerleading, Roxy