incomptence isn't a very nice thing to possess; especially when doing something important
Tuesday, December 9, 2008 @ 6:08 AM
Okay, this post is going to be a pissed off post at two blood relations...both female. One brought me to this world, the other who just annoys the shit out of me and just makes me want to smack her to bring some sense into her brain. That person is my "dictator woman" sister. A pain in the ass and a frigging bitch. Which brings me to the subject of incompetence. My sister went out to Sunway today with her friend and since I was absolutely drawn to this pair of Roxy slippers that I saw on Sunday and since my mom didn't allow me to buy it that day, I said I'll buy it on a weekday since they have the student discount on weekdays. So, la di da di da, I asked my sister to buy it for me. Again, leading to the subject of HER incompetence and carefree attitude. Forgiving her for buying what I thought was the pair of shoes that I saw without a discount because the sales guy told her that she couldn't get the discount because she couldn't produce a student ID. Since she is from Sri KL and duh! They don't have student IDs. Long story short, there wasn't any discount. Ahahaha! *sarcastic and annoyed laughter, btw* Again to the subject of her incompetence. SHE BOUGHT THE FREAKING WRONG PAIR! When my mom told me she bought a different pair and that it was nice, I was: Okay, maybe it would be a nice pair and different from the one I wanted. When my dad and I picked her up from her buddy's place and got home and since we didn't want my dad to know that we wasted money on a f**king pair of ROXY slippers (wth? What's his problem with shoes?), we took it out upstairs in my mom's bathroom since she was in the bathroom at that time. When I took the flippy floppy's out of the bag, I was like: F*** This wasn't the pair I wanted. In fact, it was the pair that I tried on that day and discarded because I hated it. And when I checked the receipt, wonderfully, it's not returnable. It was a hideous pair in my opinion. Unfortunately, my sister and her buddy were in love with it. Hello? You have bad taste and EWW...What's with the both of you conservative little b***ches??? Bad taste and a wannabe? Not a good combination. Brings me to the subject of the person who brought me to this world. Banning me from going out with my friends just because you're pissed at me for being pissed that SHE bought the fucking wrong pair of slippers and that I don't appreciate that I'm lucky enough to be able to afford a pair of ROXY slippers? Hell, woman. That wasn't even the expensive pair. That was the cheap pair. Hello? Wake up! And don't you dare compare me with the domestic helper. Because of her INCOMPETENCE is why I am fucking pissed. So help me! When I buy you the wrong thing or when I don't buy you anything, you glare at me and act like it's my fault that I don't think of you or that I don't even bother to care. So why can't I act like that now? When you don't appreciate my talents and whatever I have achieved, why should I even bother about you? And don't think that I'm god damned stupid just because I make a few mistakes sometimes in my life or that I act stupid. So it's all about your image now? Maybe I should get lip piercings, a tattoo and dye my hair right now. I make promises and I keep them but what about you? What are the promises that you have kept? You said that you would get me the High Off You CD...Where are your responsibilities? When at the very same time you are lecturing me to be grateful and appreciative? When one doesn't get something that they had wished for or even liked, don't you think that they would make a big fuss about it and then appreciate it later? I think this is the only instance where I wouldn't be able to because my sister is plain conceited and she doesn't give a fuck about anyone in the world besides her. She just thinks: Oh, okay, I saw my sister try this on the other day. And ooooh, look, it's cheap. I'll get it and pretend that I didn't know which pair she wanted. You think you'd get away with it with that stupid hurt puppy dog look in your eyes. Open your eyes to reality and your high maintenance sister. Yes, I'll admit that I'm high maintenance. You think I'd appreciate or even hold my temper against stupid-ness and carefree attitude like that when I wanted it so badly. I might be able to restrain myself but when my brain has made calculations and the results won't take a toll on the family money, don't you dare mess with me or even simply buy without looking or EVEN USING YOUR STUPID STUPID FUCKING BRAIN! All you can think off is about yourself and having fun. Have you ever thought about anyone? Have you ever considered calling back and asking? Have you even considered to not think about yourself for one fucking minute? I'm guessing the answer is no. You have no emotions for the suffering people in the poor countries and the very unfortunate. You have no compassion for starving animals. You have no love for anything nor have you even given a thought to charity. You're just an emotionless bitch who doesn't give a fuck about anyone but yourself. You don't even bother buying anything for anyone when you go out. I wonder if you even think about anyone but yourself since that BRAIN OF YOURS IS AS YOU CLAIM SO BIG and smart and sooooooo over confident that you that there's no space for anyone but you and your ego in there. I wonder what kind of person you'll be in the future. Would you ever donate to charities not for fame but for the real feeling of doing something good for the world? Would you think about other people before yourself? WILL YOU HAVE A HEART?! I hope you grow up to be a better person and that you'll be less incompetent and more feeling and that my kids will be able to look up at you and be granted anything that they want as long as it's reasonable and within budgets and limits instead of you looking at them coldly and denying them anything just like you do now. Only thinking of yourself instead of the ones around you. I hope you will discover my blog and read this. Especially you, the one who gave me life as you have already dug out my diary and read it. Now, you shall know how much I despise you. All my feelings which are supposed to be private are inside that diary. Days and conversations and moments spent with N are in there. Now you shall know how I spent my conversations with him. Now you know my poetry. There's no hiding anything from you is there? You don't know the real meaning of privacy, do you? You have no respect for the private life of your own blood, do you? You can't just let me live, can you? I guess all three answers will be no. I hope you're happy. I hope you read this so you know how much it hurts me to know that you always expect me to be mature about things just because I'm the eldest and to act like you when you were 14. Well, open your eyes and look around...I'm barely eighteen. I'm only 14. Please treat me like I'm fourteen and not like I'm 21. I have a life to live so let me enjoy it before I know the hardship of an adult life. You want to know why people always say that I act older than my age, it's because of the pushing you've given me to be more mature than my age. Open your eyes to reality and the feelings of people around you. I'm only human. I make mistakes. I'm not a golden child. I'm flesh and blood with feeelings. Your nagging and yelling and hurting me verbally makes me only hate you more. It only makes me resent you more. It doesn't do anything to improve me. It only creates more pent up anger. Please wake up. Lyn. xoxo