*With a swish and a flick, behold a magic trick
The Narcissist

Yours truly. 17. Female. Malaysian. Petite. 27th MAY. Single. Maybe available *hinthint* NEWS is her only drug. Absolutely, magically in love with BEAST. Hey! Say! JUMP. SHINee. Super Junior. In that order. Assuntarian. A Harry Potter Twitter Role-Player. Compulsive writer. Lusting for a glance in her direction. Sings like the world is deaf. As genuine as you can get. A self-proclaimed narcissist. Enjoys not having the other half
Love me? Hate me? I'll still be me. Enjoy. Lyn|Avery
Books Pave the Way to Destruction Yet to A Beauty Beyond Imaginations

Her Domain

286 posts from 5 June 2011
Escaping the conforms of society
To stupefy the endless expanse of the universe
Advancing into a world unknown
Please don't RIP Ask permission.
Discover where else she speaks her mind
Twitter: @theivorykeys
Facebook: Shern Lyn Khuan
Email: Contact either TorFB for details. (;

Her Cravings

• To be any JE member's adopted sister
• My first book published
• To meet NewS
• To meet Hey!Say!JUMP
• To meet Super Junior
• To meet SHINee
• To get signed to SM Entertainment
• A degree in English
• Black skinnies (:
White skinnies (:
A pet. Definetely
• Japanese boy uniform
• To perform a JE song medley
• To perform in Tokyo Dome and get signed to JE
• Another trip to Japan
• Permanent Japanese residence
• A yukata
A red and black checkered scarf
• To cosplay
• My first perfect Japanese bento lunch
A Japanese dictionary
• Understand and speak fluent Japanese
• Understand and speak fluent Korean
• National status as a writer
• A laptop or something similar
Will be updated when fancy strikes

Her One True Loves

MY BRATs TEAM. Alor Star 2011 NewS (Lots of love). Hey! Say! JUMP. Masuda Takahisa. Kato Shigeaki. Pen. Paper. Trees. Yamashita Tomohisa SHINee 3A12009. Super Junior. Nakajima Yuuto. Mathematics. Window shopping. Tegoshi Yuya. Japan! Twilight and Dusk. Kim Jong-Woon Sunset. Beaches. Rain. Stars. Inspiration. Koyama Keiichiro. Colours. Winter. Snow. Winter jackets. Nishikido Ryo.

Unofficial HSJ Malaysia LJ
abelchi| amandang/doldol | amylim | annatan | ashleykhor | ben-jielim | chuachiyan | cynthiaong | dariusbehyunji<3 | eelainetan | eeleng | euniceho | huichee | honpaige | horsegirl15 | jadeyeap<3 | kin-chan<3 | lydiaong | marcusheng | miki-chan<3 | nicolefong | nicolemarcus | previta | samuellee


A few words would be nice. :D

By post:
Taggers by Kanisha! :)
Taggers! Rage;racher =)
being hyper is not against the law
peek-a-boo; from behind you
strutting the catwalk like I own it; which I do
a little bit of craziness goes a long way
change is good; but not for everyone except me
a spoonful of Sugar!
Love Story Ripped from Check Yes Juliet? Haha!
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can't say that it isn't true
Thursday, November 27, 2008 @ 7:50 PM
Before you people freak out and start saying, oh me gee, she ripped this from Ginny's blog...I'm clarifying now that I'm giving credits to Ginny for this awesome ranting post that is so obviously true.
Take it away Ginny:
Let me get all these things worked out alright?
Recently, I have no idea how, I've been asked many questions about relationships. I mean MANY, questions. I know I've said this many many times, but people don't get me, so I'm gonna say the same thing again.
I'm only dating when I'm OLD ENOUGH. GET IT?
Then some people ask me, "How old is old enough?.
Seriously, questions like that are just plain STUPID. Come on peeps! What happened to your common sense?! Don't people understand that the proper age for us to date is when we're in either college or university?! THAT'S when we're old enough. I'm not saying dating at this age like 13 or 14 or 15 is bad but it's just that, WE'RE JUST IN HIGH SCHOOL.
Then SOME even come to me and ask for advises when they know I don't have an ex boyfriend nor a boyfriend. I gave them advises, and they keep asking for more, MORE, AND MORE. I mean like HELLO? STOP COMING TO ME FOR ADVISES. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO HELP ALRIGHT? I've NEVER been into a relationship before so freaking STOP coming for advises. GEEZ. I'm not some kind of matchmaking service worker, I'm not here to help people in their relationship, that would just make me the third side, it's like I'm being busybody, it's like I'm setting up a relationship for people. I DON'T do that, alright? And SOME people, even ask me to help them to find out more informatio about their crush like... What do they like, or are they allowed to date and stuff. What the fuck? How am I suppose to find out? Just being random asking their crushes random questions like that? DREAM ON if people actually think I'm gonna do something like that. It's NOT that I can't say no to them, it's just that TOO MANY of these questions are coming to me and I'm freaking sick of it. Unless people actually want me to stick up a large poster saying "I'VE NEVER BEEN INTO A RELATIONSHIP BEFORE", that's just plain stupid. So I just WISH people would stop asking me questions about relationships. It's, one word, ANNOYING. It's so sickening to answer the same question over and over and over and over again. Ya know? I have no idea why recently so many of these questions are coming to me. But seriously, I do NOT want to answer anymore of these questions to do with dating and stuff, alright? Eesh