*With a swish and a flick, behold a magic trick
The Narcissist

Yours truly. 17. Female. Malaysian. Petite. 27th MAY. Single. Maybe available *hinthint* NEWS is her only drug. Absolutely, magically in love with BEAST. Hey! Say! JUMP. SHINee. Super Junior. In that order. Assuntarian. A Harry Potter Twitter Role-Player. Compulsive writer. Lusting for a glance in her direction. Sings like the world is deaf. As genuine as you can get. A self-proclaimed narcissist. Enjoys not having the other half
Love me? Hate me? I'll still be me. Enjoy. Lyn|Avery
Books Pave the Way to Destruction Yet to A Beauty Beyond Imaginations

Her Domain

286 posts from 5 June 2011
Escaping the conforms of society
To stupefy the endless expanse of the universe
Advancing into a world unknown
Please don't RIP Ask permission.
Discover where else she speaks her mind
Twitter: @theivorykeys
Facebook: Shern Lyn Khuan
Email: Contact either TorFB for details. (;

Her Cravings

• To be any JE member's adopted sister
• My first book published
• To meet NewS
• To meet Hey!Say!JUMP
• To meet Super Junior
• To meet SHINee
• To get signed to SM Entertainment
• A degree in English
• Black skinnies (:
White skinnies (:
A pet. Definetely
• Japanese boy uniform
• To perform a JE song medley
• To perform in Tokyo Dome and get signed to JE
• Another trip to Japan
• Permanent Japanese residence
• A yukata
A red and black checkered scarf
• To cosplay
• My first perfect Japanese bento lunch
A Japanese dictionary
• Understand and speak fluent Japanese
• Understand and speak fluent Korean
• National status as a writer
• A laptop or something similar
Will be updated when fancy strikes

Her One True Loves

MY BRATs TEAM. Alor Star 2011 NewS (Lots of love). Hey! Say! JUMP. Masuda Takahisa. Kato Shigeaki. Pen. Paper. Trees. Yamashita Tomohisa SHINee 3A12009. Super Junior. Nakajima Yuuto. Mathematics. Window shopping. Tegoshi Yuya. Japan! Twilight and Dusk. Kim Jong-Woon Sunset. Beaches. Rain. Stars. Inspiration. Koyama Keiichiro. Colours. Winter. Snow. Winter jackets. Nishikido Ryo.

Unofficial HSJ Malaysia LJ
abelchi| amandang/doldol | amylim | annatan | ashleykhor | ben-jielim | chuachiyan | cynthiaong | dariusbehyunji<3 | eelainetan | eeleng | euniceho | huichee | honpaige | horsegirl15 | jadeyeap<3 | kin-chan<3 | lydiaong | marcusheng | miki-chan<3 | nicolefong | nicolemarcus | previta | samuellee


A few words would be nice. :D

By post:
am back for freaking good; finally in bliss
another burst of shortness; bliss is unattainable
still a little frustration; bear it
no time for creative titles
dancing for all to see; waking up in vegas
frustrated; in blissbliss-land
birthday wishes one
purely inside; slipups
crushcrushcrush; screaming in despair
contradiction; a little appreciation would be nice

By month:
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
October 2011

the beginning of an end;official enough?
Friday, May 29, 2009 @ 1:14 AM
the beginning of an end; official enough?
Sincerely wishing that you would take a look in my my direction and call my name

SweetMaeChan calls for an official announcement of my return.

Desiree Khuan Shern Lyn, owner of the blog http://www.infatuated-ribbonstreamers.blogspot.com/ will be returning after a long hiatus due to computer complications and the recent examinations.
She will be resuming her blogging duties as of this very moment of this announcement and will be replying to comments and requests as soon as possible.

Now that the official announcement is out of the way;
the holidays have officially begun.
Filled with endless tuitions and the endless pile of homework covering floors, desks and even chairs
What is the real meaning of holiday when we are still continuing with tuitions and homework?
What is the point of the holiday break when we are still working our asses off to complete the work given and attend those mindless tuition classes?
Isn't this a bit ridiculous?
The holidays have never ever been a time of resting after the gruelling examinations. It was always a time for us to pile on homework and attend extra tuition classes. Special classes designed to fill up your holiday with work instead of rest.
When will they ever learn?
P.S. Will be changing link again. Be prepared. Be very prepared.